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They walked to their tent's where they dry off and change clothes, before Connor goes to Cassidy's tent, wanting to talk to her more.

"Hey, Cassidy...I...I want to talk to you about something...can I come in?" Asked Connor. "Yeah." Said Cassidy. Connor enters her tent and close the tent behind him. Sitting beside Cassidy, Connor spoke. "Cassidy...I need to come clean about something." Said Connor. "What?" Asked Cassidy. Connor sighs before speaking

"There is another reason I need to leave." Said Connor. "Huh? What's that?" Asked Cassidy. Connor took a breath before speaking. "It's best if I show you something first..." Connor mutters. "Huh? Show me what?" Asked Cassidy.  Connor looks at her and then shows Cassidy the tattoo, revealing that it was healed.

"Huh? Your tattoo...its already healed?" Asked Cassidy. "Yes, but that isn't all...watch." Said Connor. Connor grabs Cassidy's lighter, since she used it to smoke weed and such, lighting it and puts it to Connor's left arm. "Connor! What are you--" Cassidy stops talking the moment she saw Connor's arm wasn't burned when he removed the fire, due to Connor ordered the healing to heal the burn as he stopped burning himself.

"What? How? You..." Cassidy mutters, confused. "I have healing that makes me practically unable to he murdered...not for long at least." Said Connor. "But...how? How is this possible?" Asked Cassidy. "You see, I...I was a lab rat...I was going to be used as a super soldier that makes me unkillable and unstoppable." Said Connor. "You...what?" Asked Cassidy. "Yes, I was used as a lab rat to he a super soldier...but not only do I heal, I don't age either...meaning even if I don't leave and you don't he killed by who I'm looking for, you're going to die some day of age and I can't...I can't protect you or be with you...I...I just can't be here...I don't want to risk seeing you die...because I know you will and I can't bare it...I lost so much...and I just can't lose you too." Said Connor.

Cassidy looks at Connor, tears in her eyes. "Connor...I'm so sorry..." Cassidy mutters. Connor doesn't speak just looked down. Cassidy then hugs Connor making Connor blush. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry this happens to you..." Cassidy mutters. Connor looks at Cassidy before hugging back. They hug for a few moments, before Cassidy let's go, looking up at Connor.

"Connor...I understand if you need to leave...but can we make sure to make this moment last before you go?" Asked Cassidy. "Of course...I wasn't going to leave the moment I exit the tent...I'd stay to day goodbye...and can I ask for something?" Asked Connor.  "Huh? Ask for what?" Asked Cassidy.

"I...I wanted to ask if you could tattoo something else onto my arm?" Asked Connor. "Huh? What do you want tattooed?" Asked Cassidy. "Can you maybe add the faces and names of everyone here on there? That way I can remember you all?" Asked Connor. Cassidy smiles as she took the tattoo gun and began doing so. Cassidy tattoo her face, name and same with every else's, exact Finn's since their sure Finn wouldn't want his face on Connor's arm.

"Wow, looks like you won't be getting rid of us." Said Cassidy. "True." Said Connor. Connor looks at the tattoo before, noticing Cassidy place her hand onto his. Looking up, Connor saw Cassidy was blushing. "Connor...seeing as you planning to leave...I should tell you...I like you." Said Cassidy. Connor blushes. "I know you wouldn't feel the same, but I thought I should--" Cassidy was cut off by Connor kissing her, making her blush, but kisses back. Connor and Cassidy kissing for a moment before stopping for air.

"I like you too...and to prove it, I'll do anything you wish while I'm still here...ok?" Asked Connor. Cassidy looks at Connor before speaking. "Alright." Said Cassidy. Cassidy then got closer and they kiss again. They kiss as Cassidy pushed Connor onto his back, Cassidy sitting on top of him as she took off her shirt.

(Sex scene)

Revealing her breasts, Cassidy lowers herself to Connor, kissing him and they kiss a she puts her hands under his shirt.

Connor: Vol 16Where stories live. Discover now