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Looking at the people in front of him, Connor makes a growl as he rushes to them, beginning to savagely beat and murder them.

Big bro himself started to get scared, cause unlike every other time he saw Connor kill or look angry, he saw that this time, Connor looked more savage and capable of killing anything, but not be tricked like when he use to he blinded by rage.

Connor beats the men down, savagely, biting, clawing, ripping them apart and just flat out act like he does when he was in control of the virus, the only difference is that Connor was actually beating some to death while the virus just rip them apart.

Within moments, most of the men and women were dead, big bro still watching, before running off, not risking staying when Connor's done.

Connor kills them all, not stopping or sparing or even giving mercy to any of them. When Connor finished, the while bar was stained with blood and guts.

"BIG BRO!!!!" Yelled Connor. Connor rushes towards where big bro ran to, aka the back of the bar. Connor runs out of the bar and looks around. Just then, exiting the alleyway behind the bar and saw big bro in a car, turning the keys, attempting to start the car, but it would work.

Connor runs towards the car, about to smash through the window, when he was punched and sent flying. Crashing into a wall, Connor heals himself as he got up, looking up at the person who punched him, to see two people. Connor saw a boy about 17 or 18 with scars on his hands, mainly his fists and the second was 17 or 18 and seemed to be childish.

"So your the one who killed our friend...we're gonna kill you for that." Said the one with scars. Connor looks at them before rushing to them, but before he saw it coming, the one who's childish was already behind Connor and lock arms with him from behind, making Connor unable to dodge or move. The one with scars rush to Connor, throwing a punch, making Connor feel how hard it was, as if it was stone and Connor felt his ribs break as his chest was sunken inwards.

Connor coughs up blood as he looks down. Connor then reaches his arm behind his head, grabbing the childish person by the head, yanking it forward while Connor swung his head back, smashing it into his face as Connor tore the hair he had in his hands out.

The childish person lets out of Connor as he also swing a punch, punching the one with scars in the face, knocking him back.

Connor turns towards the childish one, seeing that he was already up, attempting to swing a fist.

Dodging, Connor swings a punch, to only be dodged by the boy, however, he didn't just move, Connor saw that his body dodged in a flexible way.

Using the angle his in, the boy jumped up as he spun and did a kick, kicking Connor in the jaw, knocking him back. As Connor fell back, the one with scars on his hands, swung a punch to Connor too, doing the same damage he did before, this time to Connor side as he was sent flying back to the childish one.

The childish one also began punching and kicking Connor, using his flexibility to make it hard for Connor to catch or hit, also using his flexibility to attack.

Landing on the ground, Connor was barely conscious, but it didn't last long as he healed himself as he got up, looking at the two.

By doing so, Connor also saw that big bro was now gone, due to him driving off during the fight.

Connor looks down as more anger incenses in him, due to the fact that those to stalled Connor while big bro got away...and he's pissed off more then before.

The one with scars stood by, allowing the childish one to attempt to beat Connor again, but this time it was different.

The childish one does a flip as he attempted to kick Connor, but Connor tilts his head, making the kick miss and bit his shoulder instead.

Connor: Vol 16Where stories live. Discover now