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The sound of beeping from a heart monitor can be heard as Connor gains consciousness.

Sitting up, Connor saw that he was in a hospital room, his left eye covered due to him being blind and also bandages from being shot.

Connor looks down before noticing the door open. Turning to it, Connor saw a black, male nurse accompanied by a woman.

"Oh, your awake." Said the man. "Yeah...what happened?" Asked Connor. The two was silent, before the woman spoke. "My names Maria, a detective...we were called to a cabin, revealing many people murdered and you being the only one alive, holding a knife but unconscious with the murder weapon...do you remember anything?" Asked Maria.

"Oh right...me and a few of my friends who ran away from home were staying in the woods when two of our people being kidnapped...when looking for them, I found the cabin and found them tied up with all the men dead...I untied one of them and told them to get to camp and call for help, but when I was going to save the other, he was shot by the man so I used the knife to defend myself." Said Connor. They were silent for a moment, before Marina spoke.

"Alright, it all checks out...the child in your camp confirms that you came to save her and the male named Finn up to when you told her to leave." Said Marina. Connor opens his eyes wide. "Wait, what about them? Sarah, is she OK?" Asked Connor. The woman nods.

"Yes, she is alright and your friends are here waiting for you to wake up." Said Maria. "And Can I see them?" Asked Connor. "Yes." Said Marina. Marina and the nurse left the room. Connor sighs as he looks down. Just then, the door opens and someone runs to Connor, jumping onto the bed and hugs Connor.

Turning to who it was, Connor saw that it was Sarah, hugging Connor, crying. Connor hugs back, smiling down at her. "Hey kiddo...how are you?" Asked Connor. "How can you ask that?! Your hurt! All because of me!" Yelled Sarah. "But it's cause of me you were kidnapped in the first place, so I had it coming." Said Connor.

"What?" Asked Sarah. "The man I was looking for when I came here...I'm sure he sent that man to kidnap you and Finn to get to me, thinking I care for you both...he was right." Said Connor. Sarah looks up at Connor, shocked. "Because of this...I need to go." Said Connor. "Go? Go where?" Asked Sarah.

"Find him...but I can't come back, not too often so...we may not see each other for a while." Said Connor. Sarah looks at Connor, beginning to cry as she hugs Connor again, tightly. Connor hugged her back.

Everyone is seen by the door, waiting outside to give Connor and Sarah time to talk.

From there, one by one, they all came in and talked to Connor, saying goodbye since they knew he'd leave when he recovered, not only that, but they were planning to moving to the next town, meaning they may be gone before Connor leaves the hospital.

After their final goodbye, they left, Connor also remembering to give then his number so they can stay in contact.

A year has passed since Connor began moving around the world, finding all of big bros businesses and took them down, also taking care of any criminal and problems along the way. Anyway as group maybe a hundred or thousand men are seen inside a abandoned street which homeless people uses to live, putting gas to the old buildings and such.

The men planned to burn it down due to the street now being owned by big bro, who planned to use to make more businesses.

"Please! Please don't do this! We need this place! Its our only home!" Yelled a homeless man. One of the men turns to the homeless man before kicking him in the face. "Frank!" Yelled a homeless woman, attempting to help the man up.

"All of you shut up...this is our property now, so leave. NOW." Said one of the men. They all then finished putting gas everywhere, one of the men then attempting to set fire to it. The homeless people look in horror at the only place they could call home about being destroyed.

Connor: Vol 16Where stories live. Discover now