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Hana looks at Connor, hearing his confession. "H-Huh?" Asked Hana. "I killed...and still do...not cause I like it...no...cause they deserve it." Said Connor. Hana looks at Connor in fear.

"Hana, I would NEVER hurt you or Rina...I promise, I wouldn't ever hurt you...no, the people I kill are abusers, Rapist, Pedophiles and just absolute monsters...people who do horrible things and don't regret it...those people I kill, because they deserve it." Said Connor. Hana looks at Connor, stunned at his words. "Look...I would never hurt or kill a innocent person...I only kill them because they are real monsters in disguise...one of them in particular...someone I've been looking for." Said Connor.

Hana didn't keep her eyes off Connor. Connor sighs as he spoke. "Hana, I would never hurt you or Rina...but if you don't feel safe with me, I understand...I don't expect you to want to stay with me...but I promise I would never hurt the innocent, especially someone I care for." Said Connor. Connor then stood off the couch, looking down at Hana.

"I'll leave you to think...I know you'll need to think of what to do." Said Connor. Connor walked his way towards his room, leaving Hana and Rina in the living room, who was secretly awake the whole time, hearing everything.

Hana and Rina is seen inside their room, talking over the matter they recently learned.

"You what?" Asked Rina, in disbelief. "I want to stay...although I feel like a burden to Connor, I don't want to believe he's a bad person...yes he killed and its wrong no matter who it is who he kills, Connor has done so much for us and did nothing to hurt or scare us...so I have no reason to believe he's a bad person." Said Hana. Rina looks at Hana and then down, growling.

"Rina, he isn't a bad person...please try and give him a chance...trust me." Said Hana. Rina looks down before sighing. "Fine, I'll try...but for you mum." Said Rina.  Hana smiles. "Thank you sweetie." Said Hana.

Connor passes the kitchen to get to the living room, when something caught his eye. Connor noticed Hana by the fridge looking troubled. Connor got closer to Hana as he spoke. "Hey, something wrong?" Asked Connor. Hana turns to Connor. "O-Oh, um...i-it's just...there is not much food left." Said Hana.

"Huh...I could've sworn I went shopping before...but then again, having three people in the house makes the food go down quicker." Said Connor. Hana looks down, looking guilty. Seeing this, Connor gently chops at her head, making her look up at him.

"Hey, don't go looking like that now...if you think its your or Rina's fault, don't its not a problem, after all its only natural for the food to be gone quick with a fatty like me in the house plus two other people living here." Said Connor. Hana looks at Connor with gentle eyes. "Don't say that about yourself." Said Hana.  "Sure...anyway, it's fine, I'll just go shopping...want to come?" Asked Connor.

"Huh?" Asked Hana. "I mean why not? We can go shopping together...that way I don't just get whatever, we can also each grab things for ourselves and since you know Rina more, you can get what she likes too." Said Connor. Hana stays silent for a moment, before speaking.

"I...don't see why not." Said Hana. Connor smiles. "Great! Let's go." Said Connor. Hana nods and the two head out, Connor making sure to grab his phone and wallet. Connor and Hana walked to the nearby mall, since it has all that they need and enters.

Entering, Connor noticed Hana wasn't walking, instead looking around in awe, seeing all the stores, lights and many things, as if its her first time seeing it.

Realising she was staring, she looks down. "S-Sorry...I got distracted." Said Hana. Connor smiles. "You like malls huh?" Asked Connor. "U-Uh...I guess you can say that...though its the first time I was at a mall like this...the only malls I went to wasn't exactly...good...they were somewhat rundown and not a lot of people could afford anything that isn't cheap." Said Hana.

Connor: Vol 16Where stories live. Discover now