29. you're the only one i want

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narrator's pov.

sakusa kiyoomi was a man who was true to his word, so you left his house exhausted and ready to go straight back to bed.

and he was a gentleman, of course, so you got more than one free ride today.

"do i get a second date?" he asked, walking you to the door.

you stopped at the top step, smirking up at him, "you can have as many dates as you want, kiyoomi."

he smiled slightly at you, silent in response. he was trying to maintain his rep as the nonchalant guy, but he was giggling and kicking his feet on the inside.

you giggled and smacked his chest lightly, "why aren't you talking now?"

"what am i supposed to say?"

you laughed, unlocking the front door,  "how about, 'i had a great time with you, y/n, you're so beautiful and talented and smart'? hm?"

kiyoomi put his hand on your waist, "i had a great time with you, beautiful, talented, smart y/n."

you rolled your eyes teasingly, "it's not the same, you're only saying it 'cause i told you to."

he leaned down to kiss you, "aren't we allowed to think the same things?"

you threw your head back, annoyed, "ugh, kiyoomi i can't believe i have a life to go back to after this."

sakusa tilted his head and rubbed your waist, "just text me if life starts boring you."

2 hours later.


i'm bored




why are you driving

I left the gym and had nothing to do

didn't you go to the gym this morning?

Do you know that I'm a professional athlete?

really 😱

Yeah 😱

stop playing around 😒
come pick me up please

i turned around 5mins ago,
don't make me pull over again

"smoking is gross, kiyoomi," you kicked him lightly, the rest of your body curled up in a blanket on his back porch.

"what?" he replied, inhaling from a half-smoked cigarette.

"i thought 'tsumu was lying when he said you smoked," you yawned, "are you a stress smoker or what?"

"yeah, but i only do it like once a month."

"it's bad for your lungs," you tsked. "you know, intermittent smoking has nearly the same risk for cardiovascular disease as daily smoking."

he side-eyed you, then dropped the cigarette butt into an ash tray, "i think the alcohol would kill me before the nicotine does."

you sat up with your bowl of ice-cream, "i don't like the idea of dating an alcoholic, or a smoker. i'd hope that if i were to get into a long-term relationship, my partner wouldn't die halfway through."

his expression dropped, "if you were to get into a long-term relationship?"

you looked around, confused, "yeah?"

he looked equally confused, "at the risk of making things awkward... what do you think we are?"

"...talking?" you stated blankly.

"we just went on a date, is that not dating?"

you raised an eyebrow cockily, "um, have you asked to make it official yet?"

"i didn't know i had to?"

you hummed, "i think we have a lot of work to do around communication in this relationship."

"so we are in a relationship?" he said, "y/n i am a grown man, i don't wanna play these games."

"i'm a grown ass woman, kiyoomi, and i'm still waiting," you crossed your legs, and leaned into him playfully.

he sighed, smiling and looking up at the sunset while you waited patiently for him to ask. he brought his hand up to your cheek, "i'm sorry for making you wait so long."

you put your hand on his knee and raised your eyebrows, "keep going?"

"you're the only one i want, y/n. can we make this official?"

"i would've preferred 'will you be my girlfriend', but yes we can make this official."

you kissed him, then pulled back quickly, "on a serious note though, you gotta cut the smoking."

he nodded, clearing his throat, "yup, noted."

author's note
it's giving war is over

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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