Chapter two [Going to The princess's castle]

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I took the girl to my home [Hannah]"You are quite the magician"[Blitz]"Thank you" The girl walked over to the wall that showed the village outside [Blitz]"Abu, No" The girl walked out to the balcony [Hannah]"I can't believe"[Blitz]"What?"[Hannah]"I can't believe we did that, That I did that, That, That we're Alive with the chase"[Blitz]"Abu tea?"[Hannah]"Jumping on Buildings, Incredible"[Blitz]"Tea?"[Hannah]"Thank you and thank you for getting me out of there, Blitz isn't it?"[Blitz]"Uh you're welcome?"[Hannah]"um I'm Riley"[Blitz]"Riley?"[Blitz]"From the palace?"[Hannah]"How could you tell?".

[Blitz]"Well only someone from the Palace could afford a bracelet like that and that silk lining is imported too it comes from the merchant boat straight to the palace But not to servants at least not most servants which means you are one of the sisters to the Princess" The girl turned around [Hannah]"Impressive"[Blitz]"You think that's impressive? You should see the city from up there"The girl walked up the stairs [Hannah]"Agrabah. It's so beautiful. I should get out more"[Blitz]"You should tell the princess to get out more, The people haven't seen her in years"[Hannah]"They won't let her"[Hannah]"Ever since my"I looked at the girl [Hannah]"The queen and our mother was killed The Sultan's been afraid, so she's kept locked away"[Blitz]"Seems everyone's been afraid since then but the people of Agrabah had nothing to do with that, The people loved her"[Hannah]"They did didn't they?" A guitar almost fell but the girl caught it But Abu woke up from his nap [Hannah]"Is this yours?"[Blitz]"It's kind of Borrowed"The girl started Playing a tune [Blitz]"My mother taught me that song"[Hannah]"Mine too"[Blitz]"Thats all I remember of her"[Hannah]"Um what about your father?"[Blitz]"I lost them both when I was young, Been on my own ever since"[Hannah]"Oh"[Blitz]"It's alright it's just.."[Hannah]"What?" [Blitz]"It's a little sad Having a monkey is the only prenatal authority in your life" The girl laughed [Blitz]"We get by"[Blitz]"Everyday I just think things will be different but it never seems to change"[Blitz]"Just sometimes I feel like i'm-"[Hannah]"Trapped"[Hannah]"Like you Can't escape what you were born into"[Blitz]"Yes"[Hannah]"Hmm"A horn began to play the girl looked there was a ship arriving [Hannah]"I have to get back to the Palace"[Blitz]"um, Now? It's just another prince coming to court the princess."[Hannah]"Yes, and I have to get her ready. Oh, do you have my bracelet?"[Blitz]"Sure. I'm sure I put it in here. Somewhere. Abu, did you take it?"[Hannah]"That was my mother's bracelet."[Blitz]"Yes, it's beautiful."[Hannah]"You are a thief."[Blitz]"No. No. Yes, but..."[Hannah]"I was so naive. Excuse me."[Blitz]"Wait. Wait. Wait! Wait, it's not like that!" [Guard]"Clear the Street!"A Guards horse almost stepped on A child But Blitz protected the Child [Guard]"Street rat, get out of the way."[Blitz]"Who do you think you're calling a street rat?"[Guard]"Are you talking back to me? You were born worthless and you will die worthless. And only your fleas will mourn you."[Blitz]"Come on, Abu. Let's go home." [Blitz]"Riffraff"[Blitz]"Street rat"[Blitz]"I don't Buy that If only"[Blitz]"They'd look closer Would they see a poor boy?"[Blitz]"No, siree They'd find out"[Blitz]"There's so much more"[Blitz]"To me" Abu Gave Blitz The girl's bracelet Blitz Sighed [Blitz]"Abu. There's a time that we do steal, and a time we don't. This was definitely a don't." At the Palace The prince had entered The room waiting for me Hannah's PERSPECTIVE [Sultan/Kevin]"Welcome, Prince Anders. We trust you had an enjoyable journey?" [Prince Anders]"yes I did-" Prince Anders cut himself off when when i entered the room The Man From the Market would be better at least for me but No I have to marry a prince since I'm a princess that's how it goes right?,Of course that's how it goes [Prince Anders]"Oh wow" [Sultan/Kevin]"Prince Anders, my daughter... Princess Hannah"[Prince Anders]"S-So... Why did no one tell me of your beauty?"[Hannah]"No one mentioned yours, either."[Prince Anders]"Oh, thank you. They say that in Skinland. Ya, right? It's... It's very, very amusing"[Hannah]"is it?"[Prince Anders]"ya"[Hannah]"We have that same title yet are never described the same way."[Sultan/Kevin]"Mm-hrm...Hannah"[Prince Anders]"Ya. Oh. What is that? Don't. Don't tell me. It's a cat... with stripes."[Iago]"He likes you."[Prince Anders]"I know.Cause in Sknland, cats love me. Here kitty, Kitty, Hey Kitty, Kitty, Hey Kitty Kitty..Ahhh!"Prince Anders Scream could be hear from the whole kingdom.

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