Chapter eight [Written in stone]

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Back at the castle The guards, Kevin, Hannah and Riley Walked in [Sultan/Kevin]"Jafar, You should have left Agrabah while you had the chance."[Jafar]"Why leave when the city belongs to me now?"[Kevin]"It's over, Jafar"[Lago]"Oh, Good for you"[Jafar]"I've endured your spineless incompetence for long enough."[Kevin]"Hakim"[Lago]"Old fool"[Jafar]"Genie!"Riley shook her head [Jafar]"For my first wish, I wish to be Sultan of Agrabah!"[Kevin]"What?"[Genie]"As you wish, master."[Hannah]"No"Blue lighting came from the castle Blitz, who was standing on his ledge Knew who took the lamp and what was happening, In the castle, the Genie went back into the lamp Rajah Growled at Jafar [Kevin]"Hakim"[Jafar]"Hakim!" Hakim turned to Jafar[Jafar]"You obey the sultan, So you obey me now"Hakim turned to his original sultan [Jafar]"You know the law, Hakim!" Hakim gave a bow as a sorry [Hannah]"No"[Hakim]"My sultan!"[Guards]"My Sultan!"[Jafar]"Hakim!, Marshal an army to invade Shirabad"[Kevin]"Shirabad?!"[Hannah]"You Cannot!-"[Jafar]"I think we've heard enough from you, Princess. It's time you start doing what you should've done all along. Stay silent. Guards! Remove her!" Rajah growled even louder Riley tried to stop them but a guard held her back[Riley]"Let go of me!" Rajah was snarling as to show he wasn't going to let them do what They were ordered to do [Jafar]"Control that cat if you know what's good for you"Hannah Turned to Rajah [Hannah]"Rajah" Rajah didn't stop [Hannah]"Rajah!" Rajah stopped and turned but not before snarling again [Hannah]"Rajah! it's all right"Rajah growled softly one guard grabbed Hannah by the arm which made rajah start again [Kevin]"Don't touch her!"[Hannah]"Baba"Hannah Nodded to her father as a sign to show that she would be fine The guard took her away [Kevin]"Hannah"Rajah Whined Riley shook the guards hand off her [Jafar in Hannah's Head as memories]"and understand It's better for you to be seen and not heard, I think we've heard enough from you, Princess, Stay silent" Hannah took a deep breath [Hannah]"Written in stone Every rule, every word, Centuries old and unbending"[Hannah]"Stay in your place Better seen and not heard" Well, now that story is ending" Hannah looked back to see her father shouting at a guard [Hannah]" 'Cause I, I cannot start to crumble, So come on and try, Try to shut me and Cut me Down"[Kevin]"Hannah!"[Hannah]"I won't be silenced" Hannah turned around and the guards disappeared [Hannah]"You can't keep me quiet, Won't tremble when you try it, All I know is I won't go Speechless, Speechless!"Hannah's mind began to spin [Hannah]"Let the storm in, I cannot be broken"[Hannah]"no, I won't live unspoken 'cause I know that I won't go speechless" as the doors were trying to close Hannah pulled them open [Hannah]"Try to lock me in this Cage, I won't just lay me down and die, I will take these brown wings and watch me burn across the sky,hear the echo saying I won't be silenced" [Hannah]"Though you wanna see me tremble when you try it" [Hannah]"All I know is I won't go speechless, Speechless!" Hannah tore down a flag like Curtain [Hannah]" 'Cause I'll breathe when they try to suffocate me, don't you underestimate me"[Hannah]" 'Cause I know that I won't go speechless, All I know is I won't go speechless, Speechless!"[Hannah]"Hakim!" Hannah turned around.

[Hannah]"Hakim!"Everyone turned around [Jafar]"Take her away!, Tell them, Hakim" Hakim held up his hand he moved his fingers as a sign for them to let her speak and them stand [Hannah]"You were just a boy when your father came to work the grounds" Hakim looked away and then back to Hannah [Hannah]"But you have risen up to become our most trusted soldier, As a man, I know you to be both loyal and just. But now, you have to choose. Duty isn't always honor. Our greatest challenge isn't speaking up against our enemies, but defying those whose approval we seek the most. Jafar is not worthy of your admiration nor your sacrifice"[Jafar]"I wish nothing but glory for the Kingdom of Agrabah"[Hannah]"No. You seek Glory for yourself And you would win it off the backs of my people!" Jafar rolled his eyes [Hannah]"Hakim, These men, they will follow where you lead, but it's up to you. Will you stand silent while Jafar destroys our beloved kingdom? Or will you do what is right... And stand with the people of Agrabah?"Kevin Let out a soft chuckle as a way of saying to himself that his daughter, would make a great leader, Jafar looked from Hannah to Hakim, He smiled as he thought Hakim would chose his side, Hakim hit his armor [Hakim]"My Princess, Forgive me, My Sultan"[Jafar]"Hakim"Hakim turned to Jafar [Hakim]"Guards, Arrest the Vizier!"Lago flew through making rajah almost eat him[Lago]"Lamp! Rub the lamp"[Jafar]"So, this is how it will be, Not even the title of Sultan will work the herd from their sleep, i should've known, if you won't bow before a sultan, You will cower before a sorcerer"[Jafar]"Genie! I wish to become the most powerful sorcerer there is!"[Genie]"as you wish, master"Jafar stood up, Just in time I showed up a snake slithered in and became his new staff [Lago]"This could be fun" Rajah growled [Jafar]"Hakim, I had such big plans for you, But now..." Genie saw me, carpet and Abu he shook his hand [Jafar]"you are no longer of any use to me, Perhaps your men would like to follow you to the dungeon"Hakim took out his sword but Jafar slammed his staff on the floor the guards screamed as they disappeared Rajah began roaring and jumped forwards [Jafar]"You too" Rajah disappeared too, I tried to make a run for the lamp [Lago]"Prince Blake!"Jafar slammed his staff stopping me in place genie closed his eyes in disappointment as he didn't want me to get caught in the trouble but i did anyway [Jafar]"If it isn't our prince Blake"[Hannah]"Blake!"[Jafar]"Or should I say" He slammed his staff and moved me in front of him switching his clothes to his Thief Clothes[Jafar]"Blitz"[Hannah]"Blitz?"[Jafar]"He's been pretending the entire time, An imposter, There is no Prince Blake, there never was, He's nothing but a lying thief"[Blitz]"I'm sorry"[Jafar]"You're insignificant, an irradiation I no longer need to tolerate,once I ensure your agonizing death by banishing you to the ends of the earth"Jafar slammed his staff and i started screaming [Hannah]"No!"I opened my eyes and I was in snow [Blitz]"No"[Blitz]"No!"[Blitz]"Abu?"[Blitz]"Abu!"back at the castle Hannah's Perspective[Jafar]"I could simply kill you all, but that would be inadequate repayment for years of humiliation and neglect "Remember your place, Jafar"."You forget yourself, Jafar"[Kevin]"Jafar..."[Jafar]"No, What you need, Baba, is to suffer"He slammed his staff and Kevin fell to the floor [Jafar]"Like I have suffered" [Hannah]"Baba?"[Jafar]"would Watching me rule your kingdom be enough?"[Hannah]"Stop!"[Jafar]"Or watching my armies devour your toothless ally"[Hannah]"Please, Make it stop"[Jafar]"No, the most suitable punishment would make you watch while I take what you love most"[Hannah]"No, no, please Baba"[Jafar]"And marry your daughter"[Riley]"No!"Jafar Slammed his staff  making Riley fall to the floor [Genie]"No"[Kevin]"She will never marry you"[Hannah]"Baba" I stood up[Hannah]"I will do as you wish!, Make it stop" Kevin started choking [Hannah]"Make it stop"Jafar slammed his staff Kevin and Riley fell [Hannah]"Baba!,are you all right?"[Kevin]"Hannah, Riley...."With Blitz I was still in the snow [Blitz]"Abu!" [Blitz]"Abu!"[Blitz]"Abu!" There was weak whimpering and whistling I jumped from one ledge to the other i back flipped to Abu in the tight space [Blitz]"Abu" Abu was whimpering from the freezing cold [Blitz]"Are you okay?" I put him in my jacket [Blitz]"Lets get out of here"The ice I was standing on started cracking [Blitz]"No"me and Abu fell through, going down the snow we rolled off of a mountain Abu was whimpering and I could barely breathe I was breathing very weakly me and Abu shut our eyes, The carpet shown up as the genie had sent carpet there I started gasping.

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