Found you | Yoongi

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            | Finding you was a great accident.

"Hyung.", Called Yoongi. "Yes?", Responds Jin. "Hyung I am going back to the mansion. You all comeback soon.",said Yoongi.

Jin furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Isn't it too early to go home right now?"

Yoongi sighed and said while picking up his phone, "Hyung after 1 week is Cheuseok and you know because of our busy schedules we were not able to hire workers to clean the mansion and moreover there are only 53 maids in our mansion and what will they do alone? So I am going early to check whether everything is going fine or not."

"Okay then, remember to check the garden once because I told those gardeners to remove all the old Rose plants." Yoongi nodded and said, "Okay Hyung." Yoongi walked out of the office with many staffs bowing him but he cared less. On sitting inside the car he told the driver to drive to the mansion.

They were in the middle of the huge traffic and Yoongi was frustrated. Slowly the traffic started to move and soon the way was clear. The car was at a stop in a red signal near a small and cosy cafe when Yoongi heard little cries of a baby. He was confused like who's baby is crying this terribly and why aren't they calming the baby down.

He ignored it but he couldn't. He went out of the car and searched where was the baby. On walking to the backside of the cafe he found a real human baby. Crying hysterically. By looking at the baby he understood that it was not more than 3 months old. He decided to ignore the baby but...

He picked the baby up and stared to rock the baby in his arms. He didn't know why but he felt warmness inside his heart. The baby calmed down and slept peacefully in his arms. Once the baby was calm, we looked at his right and left with a hope to find someone but no one was there.

Then suddenly a guard from behind called, "Boss, is everything fine." Yoongi looked at the baby and then at the guard and finally he smiled and said, "Let's go home."

On Arriving the mansion he slowly kept the baby on his bed and looked at her because somehow he got to knew that the baby was a girl. Her big eye lashes, milky skin and her slightly chubby body was mesmerizing. Maybe a gift from god's which was given to unfortunate parents.

He wondered who left her? Who's her real parents? Why did they left them? But nothing was affecting Yoongi. He kept on looking at her like she is a piece of art. Suddenly he felt an urge to protect her, kill every devil who's on her way to dreamland.

He carefully put pillows around her so that she wouldn't fall and decided to go out of the room but as soon as he went near the door, loud cries echoed through the room.

Yoongi was shocked.

He walked near the baby and carefully scooped her up in his arms and started to rock her. He walked out of the room and walked downstairs. As he enters the kitchen he pulls out a small bowl and a tiny spoon from the cabinet and poured milk in it.

He stood beside the kitchen counter and carefully fed her milk with the spoon. She quitely fed upon the milk being an good girl. As soon as the milk in the bowl was finished, she looked at Yoongi with doe eyes. Godf thing was today every maids and se

Yoongi caressed her tiny face and places a kiss on her forehead. Suddenly Yoongi made an funny face which made Yn giggle. He continues to make faes while her smile never fades out and her eyes turned into crescents
And then he walked into the living room and sat on the couch. He was just relaxing with a baby over his shoulders busy ruining his shirt with her saliva but...

"Yoongi hyung~", someone entered while singing his name. It was Jimin who was being followed by other two dorks. "Hey Yoongi Hyung, what's up-", Taehyung stopped himself mid-sentence on noticing a tiny creature over his shoulder. "Did you just buy a new teddy bear for me? Thank you so much. It's small but it's okay.", Said Jungkook as he walked forward but was stopped by Jimin who held his hand. Jungkook got irritated and he said, "Wtf is your problem, shortie?"

"Shut up, dick head.", Said Jimin as he squinted his eyes and looked at the creature meanwhile Yoongi doesn't give a fuck. But suddenly they all gasped as soon as the baby distracted herself from chewing the man's shirt and looks at those 3 confused souls.

Taehyung rushed towards the tiny creature and was about to pick up the baby but the small creature was stubborn. She held upon his shirt tightly  which made Yoongi laugh. Yoongi again takes her back into his arms which made Taehyung pout. "Aren't you three going to ask anything about this creature?", Asked Yoongi while the child rested her head on his chest and looked at Taehyung.

"This child is just so cute to do that.", Replied Jimin.

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