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A/n's pov~

Life seems very beautiful until you are in your comfort zone.

When there's more than 60 maids who are appointed only for you and works for you. Before you put your feet on the ground after waking up there's already a person putting slippers on your feet.

There's no need to get up from the couch because you are getting everything you want in just a snap of your fingers. When there's already a mall which is owned by your brothers you don't have to beg anyone for anything.

If this was you then you could have cared less for people but Yn was completely the opposite. She wakes up on time, does her morning routine.

She learnt a lot of cooking from the maids and it's her daily routine to prepare the morning and evening tea for her brothers. Her brothers say not to buy does she ever listens to anyone?

The mafias have seen their friends' daughters and sons being cruel and rude towards their servents and others meanwhile yn will be cutting onions for the dinner with the maids. Infact they don't have any problem regarding this.

Especially Jin and Yoongi, the oldest of the group are so proud of their sister. They raised her well. Meanwhile there are these three maknaes who are always spoiling her.

It's just her nature to be so cheerful and smiley. Either she is jumping in the garden, blasting music inside the mansion or busy studying inside her study room.

But it's strange nowadays.

She is dull. Gloomy. All she does is stay inside her room. Locked up.

This sudden change in behaviour of hers has worried all the people of the mansion. You see, today after having her lunch she is in her room. It's evening already.

In fact she takes an afternoon nap but she wakes up before 5:30 pm.

Mr. Kang, who is in charge of her security he walks up to her room and knocks. A faint 'come-in' was heard by him. He enters the room only to see the lady of the mansion sitting blankly on the bed. He cleared his throat gaining her attention and said, "I see, our princess is sad. Do you want to go somewhere? Like to the mall or to one of your friends houses."

She nodded her head a no and looked down at her lap. He looked at her very keenly. And decided to go out of her room. He spared a last glance at Yn and left.

As he walked down the stairs he asked the head maid.

"Did she tell you anything?"


"Like what's happening with her?"

"Why will she? She started to hide things from me and her brothers. Someone will only know when she will open up. We are not mind readers, are we?", she says low-key disappointed at her baby's unusual behaviour.

"What do you mean by hiding things? What's wrong with her?", a deep and a husky voice echoed through the walls of the huge living room. The hall immediately went silent and bowed him. "Care to tell me what's going on here?", Taehyung asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Boss, she isn't coming out of her room since the afternoon. She doesn't have her meal properly. All she did was stay inside her room all day.", the maid explained.

He sat on the expensive peach coloured couch and a maid came to serve him the herbal tea but before she could put the cup on the table he said, "I will have the tea later."

With that he proceeded towards her room.

Taehyung's pov~

It's strange. It's really strange.

It's not that I have not noticed at all but I thought it's just because she caught a cold. As sickness is the it thing that can  turn her to snorlax from pickachu.

It's been 3 days since she didn't go to her school because she had a severe cold. Why? Who the hell eats ice cream at 3am in the morning?

I swear I will strangle Jungkook to dead whenever he comes infront of my sight.

I opened the door slowly just to see her lying on the bed.

I walked up closer to her and saw her eyes closed and realised that she is sleeping already.

Did she have her dinner?

No issues, let her complete her sleep then I will feed her by my own hands and I will not let Jin Hyung do this thing today.

I walked inside my room to take a warm shower to calm my muscles.

Time skip to morning~

It was already 7:30 a.m but guess what yn is not ready for school yet. She took the shower and was just in a robe. Soon s knock was heard, "Ma'am, are you ready for the school yet? Should I serve your breakfast here for you will come down?"

The maid asked from outside. She sighed and replied, "I will have my Breakfast downstairs and can you please call Chae-won ajhumma?"


She lazily got up from the couch and wore her school uniform. Suddenly her phone rang it was her close friend Minji. Not wanting to talk with her she declined the call. The door opened revealing Chae-won. "You wanted me? Any problem?" As she walked inside.

"Ajhumma, I don't want to go to school today please. Tell them.", she practically pleaded to her. The head maid was shocked seeing her like this. She knew something is really very wrong. "You know princess that i-"

"Please ajhumma you know there's a girl who always-"

"What's going on here? And why you don't want to go to school?" ,a familiar voice was heard by both of them. She bowed to him while Yn just stood there blankly. "Oppa, I don't-"

"No honey, are going to school. Do you want to be like those rude and spoilt kids?" Jin cut her off and left the room.

The poor maid also walked out of the room leaving a helpless girl behind.

After tying her hairs in neat braids she walked downstairs and silently had her breakfast. "I'll drop her today.", said Jungkook. "No way, last time she went with you she almost died while her hairs where like wild bushes.", said Jimin. "Fine kids, today I will drop her no need to fight."

After a couple of minutes they all left the mansion.

The head maid called Mr. Kang and said,

"keep an eye on her. Something's really wrong there."


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[BTS Oneshots] The mafia's beloved sister. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt