Chapter 1: CAT NATION!

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I planted my butt on my couch as I had finally finished unpacking everything! I did the Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom, and living room

I'm honestly super glad that my mom had ordered the big TV for my apartment. It was extremely hard to set up but thanks to her we made it work. "Finally I can sit down-" I was interrupted by a very rude person knocking on my front door

"I'm coming!" I got up and sprinted to the door, I opened it to see a mail woman but she wasn't handing me the mail, instead giving me a box of..


"Your friend sent these to you, he said he didn't like how they looked so he shipped them to you" Bailey my mail woman handed me the box of cats

"Oh ok... Thanks..." She nodded before leaving

I closed the door whilst locking it and went back to my couch and plopping down I felt the box shift to one side so I'm guessing the cats had gotten startled and all piled in one spot

I set the box down on the floor and removed the top and immediately got scared so I covered my face as I removed the top


I heard one and I was quite terrified to look at them so I kept my face down on the pillow. "I'm dreaming lord save me" I mumbled into the pillow

"Maybe I'll get a glimpse, whatever Ashley or Trey gives me it's probably going to kill me"


I looked inside the box to see

A black cat with red eyes

A blue cat with one eye closed and the other blue

A red cat

A gray cat

Another black cat but with golden eyes

And Blonde......Fur.......????????

"Ok I officially scared myself" I picked up the box making the cats find its way to the very back, I set it back down on the couch next to me. Getting comfortable

"I'm Y/n L/n, I'm apparently you're new caretaker I suppose, though I do have to say I'm quite freaked out y'all look exactly and I mean ​​​​​​exactly like the Black butler cast maybe I'm tripping-" I close my mouth as I'm talking to myself

"I really need to stop talking to myself, I feel like a crazy woman mournfully over her cats" I sighed looking back at the Cats in the box

"I should get y'all food and stuff like that huh?"


"I'll take that as a yes! Stay here while I go do that" I got up, grabbed my keys and wallet and headed out the door.

No ones POV

Most of cats and kittens were confused

How the hell did we get here? And what the hell was that all about?" The blue cat seemed to speak up first before anyone else

"It seems we have a problem on our hands"

"I don't quite understand why this is happening, but I want out of it!" The blonde boy tried to free himself from the death trap that was called a box

But he was too short to reach

"BASSY-CHANNNN!" A shrieking Voice came in contact with the hard surface of the card board box cause said black cat moved away

"We don't have time for this"

"Hehehe, I say young Earl, it seems I keep coming in contact with your group here. I wonder why that is" the group looked at the Retired reaper

Can't do better! [Cat!Black Butler x Fem!reader]Where stories live. Discover now