Chapter 11: Meeting Charles Grey and Phipps

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Astro: This one is short short, so my bad-

"Absolutely not, not happening" I crossed my arms as Bard started to whine. "But Y/n! I need that to make lunch for the young master!" I rolled my eyes as I held onto the flamethrower.

"You're not getting this back until you learn your lesson" I walked out of the kitchen with Bard on my heel.

"Please Y/n!!!! I need itttt" He started to chase after me, I had ran into the dining room where Ciel was having his tea waiting on dinner.

"Stop it!" I handed the flamethrower to Sebastian "You are not getting this flamethrower until the day I die!" I stood in front of Sebastian so Bard couldn't take it back. "Oh come on Y/n!" Bard had gotten interrupted by 2 strangers.

"We were ordered to come here by order of the queen" One of them spoke, all of us stared at the two butlers shocked.

"Please excuse us for dropping in like this. We were ordered to know about Miss Y/n"



After calming down our shocked faces we started to talk to the two butlers of the queen. "My name is Charles Grey and this is Charles Phipps." They introduced themselves as they took a seat. We were all now in the kitchen as some of us had to make lunch for Ciel.

Ciel just so happened to follow us- "Why are you two here again?" I asked, wiping my hands.

"The queen wanted to know more about you Miss Y/n" I stood there confused "Yeah but why? I'm just here to see to the young Lord" I eyed the two butlers (Astro: BOMBASTIC SIDE EYE-)

"We have no idea why the queen would like to know you. We will suggest a tea party with her majesty" I looked at Grey so fast, "I'M SURE THAT WON'T BE NECESSARY!!" I waved my hands around as he chuckled.

"No need to worry, we'll check in with the queen and see if it's alright" Me being shocked again I tried to stop the two from leaving

"That's not what I meant!!! I have to stay here with the young lord. I sweat dropped "No need, Sebastian can handle it when you're gone" I turned to Ciel "You're on board with this??" I started to stress

"We will see to the preparations I'm sure her majesty will be happy to meet you" I sinked to the ground and turned into a puddle

Finny came over towards me to see if I was alright. "I hate it here..." I groaned as I sat back up, "Seriously do I always have to get the most weirdest tasks." I sighed as I saw Bard reaching for the Flamethrower.

"BARDROY PUT IT DOWN!" I went to chase after him to get the flamethrower back.



Astro: Two chapters for ya! Cause y'all impatient lmao

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