Chapter 14: Meeting the queen

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Astro: Let's goooo!!!

I wasn't woken up by Sebastian pulling back the curtains... I was forced awake when I felt someone pulling me.

"MISS. Y/N, WE ARE HERE TO ESCORT YOU TO THE QUEEN" I heard a voice scream (not really, I'm still tired so it might seem like they were yelling)

"Dude... what the hell" I looked at the person to see it was Charles Grey pulling me and Charles Phipps 'yelling' "Good morning Miss Y/n, once again we are here to escort you to the queen" I rubbed my eye

"Yes I know, I heard you scream" I stood up but got jump scared by Sebastian and Ciel. "What is going on here!? And why are you two in Y/n's room" Ciel crossed his arms confused

"We came to wake Miss Y/n and take her to the queen" Sebastian glared at the two butlers wanting to kick them out. "Please leave Miss Y/n alone, I will handle this" The two butlers looked at each other confused.

"Alright then" They shrugged it off and followed after Ciel as Sebastian stayed in the room with me. He picked out my "Thank you Sebastian" He bowed with a smile before leaving me to change.


As I got out of the carriage with the help of Grey and looked up at the castle. "Whoaaa" I looked at it in awe as I followed the two butlers. "I'm sad Sebastian and Ciel couldn't come with me" I mumbled

"This way Miss Y/n" I looked to my left to see Charles opening a door. I walked inside with the two butlers right behind me.

"Your highness, Miss Y/n" Grey introduced me as I stood a bit far away from where she was sitting. "Ah! Miss Y/n! Come sit!" She was a bit excited then I was-

Grey and Phipps stood behind the queen's chair as she sipped her tea with a smile. "Good evening your highness, was there a specific reason you wanted me to visit you in such a manner?" I asked as I also took a sip of my tea

'Man... I'm trying so hard not to slurp right now, bloody hell' I set the cup down softly. "I just wanted to get to know the new maid for Lord Phantomhive! I do hope he's not causing you any trouble.." She looked down a bit upset

"Oh not at all! I'm getting used to all the odd things that happen in the Phantomhive manor, but the young Lord has been rather nice to me" I smiled as I watched her face for further reactions.

"I see-" She was interrupted by coughing violently "Is everything all right your highness?" Without knowing I had rushed to her side.

"I'm quite alright, thank you" She laid her hand on mine as she continued to cough.

As I'm trying to comfort her, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach for a hot minute. The pain subsided as the queen stopped coughing. "Thank you Miss Y/n" She weakly smiled as she sat back up.

"Of course your highness" I gave her a hug feeling that sharp pain as I did so. "I must go now, thank you for the tea" I curtsied before I left the castle.

"That was odd..." I mumbled as I rode a carriage to the Manor.

3rd POV

"No need to be afraid my dear... It will all be over once you give me that crown from Princess Y/n of Wales soon to be queen..."

"Yes Ma'am... I promise I will get it for you" Kelly curtsied as she walked away from the unknown person.

"You better." The person grinned as they looked at the monitor watching Y/n's every move.

Astro: Oh dear, every time I get an idea it leaves me bloody hell

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