Chapter 8: My dearest daughter

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Astro: Let's see if we are good for weekend updates-

I made my way to my bedroom carefully walking over the cats, Ciel, Alois, Ashley and Trey. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and turned it on.

A message alerted me- It was from my mom- 'What do I do?? My mom is allergic to cats-' I started to panic. "I need to get these cats- I mean characters back to their world" I sighed realizing what mess I got into.

Me and your father will be coming over to visit and check up on you!
We'll be there soon!

I started to wish to a star to get me out of this mess-

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" See this is one way to kill a bitch- why and how the fuck am I falling out of the sky like I just came from mars and back.

"I regret saying anything!!!!" My voice faded as I landed in a field of flowers, Not even a second later a backpack fell down as well. "Take me back Astro!!" I shouted at the sky attempting to get the author's attention.


(Astro's POV)

"Did you hear that?" I looked at Narume, he shook his head confused "Me either" I continued to write.


"You heard me. I don't like it here" I started to walk to find someone I know, "This is amazing, perfect, Love to see it" I wandered around the area still searching for someone to help a girl out. I noticed a dirty blonde and brunette-

"ASH, TREY!!!!!" I ran up to the two oblivious friends. "Oh y/n! Where are we?" Trey asked me, I looked around, "Oh my gawd- are we in black butler???" My eyes sparkled as I looked around excited

"Hold your horses women, We need full proof before making that accusation." Ashley informed us, we nodded agreeing with her.


"I told you! Why would anyone be here in the middle of n-o-w-h-e-r-e" I scolded slapping trey's neck. "You walked us in this direction though!" He retorted. "Nonsense I didn't do that!" I defended myself.

"Hey guys..." We both looked at Ashley "What!?" yeah- we should have known we we're gonna die.

"Now then, come along" We followed after Ashley with bumps on our heads. "Never again..." I whispered to Trey as he rolled his eyes, "I don't like you" he scoffed "Fuck you too" Rolling my eyes at him again we had stopped.

"Is this..?" I walked in front of them both to see what they were looking at, "Ciel's Manor!!" I bolted towards the manor, Ash and Trey following close behind me.

"Y/n hold up!" I heard Trey trying to catch his breath, Before I could knock on the door it opened revealing Sebastian. "Y/n?"


"This Y/n?"


"Oh thank god y/n is here!"

"What is going on-" I walked in with Ashley and Trey, "Hi guys!" I was hugged by Alois almost immediately "What happened?" They pointed to the box in the middle of the room. "I carefully walked up to it.

I hit the box, everyone stood there dumbfounded

"What is hitting the box gon do" Ashley cried out "I don't know!" I opened the box only to get scared by a puppet popping out "Nope, nope, nope absolutely not" I stood up a bit shaken up by the scare.

"That's what you get for hitting it dumbass" I glared towards Trey "This is a waste of time" Ciel started to get impatient but someone burst through the door.

Kelly waltzed in with a grin on her face, "Evening Y/n, so we meet again...." I stared in disbelief.

"You've got to be kidding me."

Astro: I'll try to update every weekend if not then I don't know what to tell y'all lmao

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