Chapter 19: Shattered glass

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As Angela hummed a tune, Kelly had put restraints on both of the demon butlers and all with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Is this really a good idea boss...?" the assistant of Kelly whispered as she looked at the two butlers in horror. "Do not question me. I know I'm right about this." Kelly glared at the girl.

"Ah, I see Y/n is making herself over here" Angela buzzed excited to start the torture device.

"Not yet." A man in all black rose from his chair and walked over to the 3 ladies. "I decide when it shall start. I created this plan and I must see it through" The man wore a white mask that stood out more than anything on him.

"Yes, of course boss" Kelly bowed in front of him out of respect, he only glared down at her annoyed with her gesture or presence in general.

As the man looked at the monitor that stalked y/n no matter where she went, he smirked, eager to see how she would react to seeing all of her favorite characters desperately hanging by a thread before they were cut from this universe.


I ran all the way to Undertaker's parlor and started to knock on his door impatiently. At this time Kelly and her assistant Amber were at Ciel's manor.

Kelly and Amber both kidnapped him and his servants so that no one could fight back. "This one's heavy! Why couldn't you carry these two!!" Amber had gotten stuck caring both Finny and Bard all at once

"Because you're the assistant. Assistant's get the hard job" Kelly grinned as she was able to carry Meyrin and Ciel

"I hate this job" Amber grumbled under her breath as she put the two unconscious bodies into the carriage.

"What was that?" Kelly glared at Amber "Nothing" Amber shook her head as she got in the carriage, Kelly following in pursuit.


No answer from Undertaker from inside the shop. Not one sound had made it to the door. I started to look around for a way to get inside to find him.

I felt a key under my shoe, "Very clever Undertaker..." I sarcastically say as I unlock the door and enter.

As I looked around the shop it had been completely ransacked and destroyed. All of the caskets were either knocked over or broken.

I see a trail of muddy footprints on the floor. I searched high and low for undertaker but he was nowhere to be found. "They got him as well..." It had seemed like kelly had taken all of the reapers first, then the demons, they must have Ciel and the servants already.

"I have to get to Alois before they do."

I ran as fast as I could to the trancy manor before Kelly. I ran past many of the confused faces that seemed to be staring at me like crazy.

I made it to the trancy manor, I desperately ran inside not even waiting for one of the servants to open the door for me. "Alois!!" I called out his name running around the manor to try and find the little child.

As I run around trying to find at least a servant or Alois the manor looked the exact same as Undertaker's parlor.

Beds weren't made, the kitchen a total mess, tables and chairs everywhere in the dining room. A fight must have taken place. I don't see anyone around the manor besides messes.

I ran outside and ran back into town. "God... What am I supposed to do now?'' I looked around me, seeing mocking faces glaring and laughing at me. I started to get inside my head.

'What if they are dead'

'What if they killed them already and I'm to late'

'What if she tortured them'

The sea of faces grew closer and larger, I held my ears so their mocking laughs and taunting voices didn't patronize me so much.

No matter what I kept running to the london bridge as that was my only lead to finding them. I wanted to escape this crazy headache.

I ran into the building next to the London bridge and looked around to find the cast.

Instead of finding them I see a man in all black with a white mask that stood out to me. He started to walk towards me, making me backup to get away from him.

"What took you so long darling? I've been waiting for forever..."

As I looked at the masked figure I started to notice the person seemed oddly familiar.

"Missed me"

The man started to remove his mask


It all started to make sense now. Why was Kelly so familiar? Why was this chasing and running so nerve racking?

Have I been in this situation before? Maybe in a past life or maybe a past dream...

The man that stood in front of me was no stranger...

But Ace Nelman.

Astros: To be continue! <3

Can't do better! [Cat!Black Butler x Fem!reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz