Chapter 15: A Kidnapped Red-head

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Astro: Red-headed Grell getting kidnapped

I walked ahead of Ciel and Sebastian as I was in my own world but Ronald and William stepped in my way.

"Oh hey... Oddly strangers I don't know" I almost slipped for a second. "Evening, I am here to report to Lord Phantomhive. A well known Red head has gone missing" Sighing Ronald shook his head.

"Are you talking about Grell?" Ciel asked the two nodding at this with disappointment in their eyes.

"Bloody hell... We'll search for him" Ronald and William walked away as they continued on with their job. "Grell getting lost or going missing doesn't sound like her..." I mumbled as I started to think.

"Indeed... Well not my problem" Ciel started walking away towards the carriage "Ciel we have to find her" I stopped him from going any further. "Fine" He sighed not wanting to help find Grell but he had nothing else better to do.

"Where would Grell go anyhow? Sebastian's with us-" I got an idea as I looked at Sebastian. "Does Grell come by the manor to find you Sebastian?" He nodded "She must be at the manor then" We rushed into the carriage and went to the manor.


"Grell!!!" I called out for the red head but received no response. "Welcome back young Master, Sebastian and Y/n! What are you guys doing back so early?" Bard asked as he and Finny and Mey-rin walked up to us.

"We came looking for Grell" I answered Bard as I put one hand on my hip. "Ohhh! You mean that red head and that black haired woman? We some them leave 20 minutes ago" Finny gasped as he realized what we were talking about

"They talked about going to see the Undertaker, yes they did!" Mey nodded with a smile on her face.

"Ah! Thanks you three! We'll be back later!" I waved at them goodbye as Sebastian and Ciel followed after me.

"Odd... A girl with black hair was with Grell?" Ciel made a thinking poster as we were on our way to Undertaker.

"I've never seen the girl before, Grell normally comes by himself" Sebastian stated as he also looked puzzled. "Let's hope Undertaker has some answers for us but-"

-Undertaker's Parlor-

"We're gonna need to make him laugh first..." I trailed off as I finished my sentence from before. "What was the pause for-?" Ciel asked as he titled his head "For anime effects" I grinned before walking into the parlor with both CIel and Sebastian on my tail.

"Undertaker!! Are you here?" I shouted as I called out to the man "There's no need to shout" Ciel grumpily spoke as he glared at me. "Sorry-" I sat down on a coffin.

Not a few seconds after I sat down Undertaker jump scared me making me fall off the coffin and scurry behind Sebastian.

"My apologies my dear, I'm sorry for scaring you hehe" Undertaker chuckled as he bowed in front of me. "Good evening young lord, do I have the pleasure of fitting you for one of me coffin's?" Undertaker asked but Ciel shook his taking a seat on the coffin.

"My servants tells me that Grell Sutcliff and a black haired female have come to your parlor looking for something" Undertaker nodded with a grin.

"Before I tell you, I must have the true gift of laughter!" Undertaker started to drool as he looked at the young master. "Fine then. Sebastian and Y/n wait outside until I say." Ciel stood up and and looked at both of us

"Of course sir" we both say before exiting the parlor. "What do you think he's gonna say to get the undertaker to laugh?" I asked Sebastian. "I do not know" He answered with a slight concern.

The sun began to set, me and Sebastian still stood outside the parlor a bit worried for the young master. He could be hurt, killed or the Undertaker could have drugged him and locked him in a-


We heard Undertaker laugh bloody murder making the sign fall down and the entire parlor shake. Me and Sebastian slowly walked back into the parlor seeing Undertaker on the floor laughing, crying and Ciel heaving like he just got done walking up a lot of stairs.

"Are you alright Ciel?" I asked as I tried not to laugh "yes I'm fine. I believe Undertaker will tell us now."


"Indeed, Grell and a black haired girl did in fact come to visit. The black haired girl didn't tell me her real name, just 'Loretta'. Grell seemed more scared than usual. Loretta asked for your records Miss Y/n. She didn't tell me the reason but it seems like she is not going to ask for a chat, Grell also had tape on his mouth and rope around his wrists." Undertaker explained showing us pictures of when they were here.

"That is weird. Why would someone randomly ask for my records? And why kidnap Grell?" I started to ask a bunch of questions. Some really needed to be answered.

"I have no clue... But it seems this person does not like you and wants to-" Sebastian was interrupted by Undertaker

"She precisely wants to kill you, Lady Y/n." Undertaker looked at me in a serious way.

I stood there shocked at what he had just said.

Astro: I have an idea box now! So I don't forget my ideas

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