Chapter 16: Memories forgotten

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"She precisely wants to kill you, Lady Y/n." Undertaker looked at me in a serious way.

I stood there shocked at what he had just said.

"She wants to kill me-?" I asked, still shocked "Funny thing, I don't remember saying anything about killing" Undertaker chuckles before sitting down and eating a dog treat.

"Wait, you don't remember the conversation we just had five seconds ago?" Ciel asked as he crossed his arms. "Nope." Undertaker responded. Me, Sebastian, and Ciel looked at each other. "Alright then" We left the undertaker's parlor.

"How the hell did he lose his memory? We were watching him like a hawk" I asked confused as we got in the carriage. "It would seem like something triggered his mind to forget the conversation once he brought up that she wanted to kill you" Sebastian stated.

"But he didn't drink or eat as we were talking. How is that possible." I crossed my legs, still confused about the situation.

"Maybe when she got to the undertaker's parlor before us she put something in his drink-" Ciel stopped mid-sentence "What was I talking about again?" He asked, both me and Sebastian looked at each other.

"You were talking about her putting something in Undertaker's drink" I look at Ciel concerned "I don't recall saying such a thing. Were going back to the manor" As Ciel said this I looked out the window.

'What is happening?' I thought as we reached the manor we walked inside. "Welcome back young master!" The servants spoke with a smile.

"Sebastian prepare tea" Ciel commanded "Very good my lord" Sebastian lowered his head as he headed to the kitchen I followed closely behind. "I don't see what is going on, I don't see anything that the young master ate or drank as we were here and at the undertaker's" I sit down at the table as Sebastian makes the tea for Ciel.

"I also did not spot anything out of the ordinary" Sebastian commented. "And this all happened in one day right after we met with Kelly... Something is off..." I trail off as I recall the day we met with kelly.

(flash back to yesterday)

"Why did you want us to come here kelly." I ask as I cross my arms. "I just wanted to see you one last time before I destroy you" I rolled my eyes at Kelly's comment.

"And how do you plan on doing such a thing?" I look at her up and down.

"You'll see soon enough" Kelly disappeared.

(Flash backed ended)

"I have no idea...." Sebastian trailed off as he brought Ciel his tea.

Astro: Head empty....

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