Chapter 2 - Prom Night

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High school was getting over, just two weeks left before graduation, but the idea of it felt heavy. I had taken a week off school. The gravity of the situation made it hard to concentrate. But it was time to confront reality. I decided to drop off my sister at her school and attend my own for those final days. It was a way to stay connected and to keep moving forward despite the lingering sorrow. Tyler offered to pick us up. As he drove us to school, dropping off my sister first, he turned to me with a gaze laced with concern. "Promise me something, okay? If things ever get too overwhelming, if you need someone to talk to, you will come to me."

I managed a smile, my thoughts were a swirl of emotions. "I won't forget, Ty. I'll be fine."

"I know you're strong, Vee."

I nodded, turning to peer out the window, my reflections a swirl of memories, uncertainty, and hope.

The next few weeks passed in a blur of farewells, goodbyes, and a flurry of final moments before the impending exams. Studying became my way to escape the pain, pulling all-nighters alongside Tyler. We finished our exams feeling a mix of relief and readiness for the next chapter. As acceptance letters had already arrived from universities like Brown and Penn State, while my dream of attending a California university was on hold due to a waitlist. Tyler, on the other hand, secured a spot at Stanford. Amid the heartache, our shared dream of California was only half-way there.

As days turned into weeks, prom night was coming close, and I still didn't get a dress. Natalie and I decided to go shopping with her mom for prom dresses. The store was filled with beautiful dresses, each more breathtaking than the last. From a purple A-line form-fitting dress, to a turquoise mermaid fit or a pink princess ball-gown, my eyes were everywhere. There were too many options and it wasn't easy to pick. It got too overwhelming, especially because I had imagined being here at this moment with my mom picking out my dress. I had never shopped without my mom before, and the memories of her flooded my mind.

With a heavy heart, I retreated to a dressing room, overcome with emotion. I let myself cry, mourning my loss.

"Why would you leave at a time like this, maa?

When I need you the most. It was not just my dream, it was yours too. I know you've always wanted to see me in a prom dress. I know you're watching me, but I want you here - with me." I sobbed.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without you. I can't even pick a single dress", I continued sobbing. "I wish you were here right now, ma. I need your help", I whispered to myself, wiping eyes. At that moment, I heard a knock on the door. I pulled myself together and walked out of the dressing room. That's when I saw it - the perfect dress. An emerald green gown, its fabric shimmering like the cosmos, evoking memories of a dress my mom once owned. It felt like a message from her— like she had chosen it for me.

A week later, I stood before the mirror, the weight of the dress constantly reminding me of the special night I had anticipated for years. I showed it to my father, his eyes reflecting a mixture of pride and yearning. Tyler soon joined us, and we enjoyed the moment by taking a number of pictures on our cameras. Our friends had arranged for a limo, ready to make the night even more memorable.

My father pulled me aside and his words resonated deep within me. " You look beautiful, baby. Your mother would be very proud of you"

"I miss her Dad, I really do."

"I miss her too. We always will. But it's okay to enjoy yourself, sweetheart. You deserve it."

With his words echoing in my heart, I entered the limo, a fusion of excitement and melancholy coursing through my veins. As we arrived at the venue, an aura of nostalgia enveloped me. Stars, balloons, and the emblem of our graduation year welcomed us, surrounding us in an ambiance of vintage Hollywood glamour. The air was charged with electricity. It was a night that marked the end of our high school journey—a night where we let go of our childhood and embraced the future.

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