Chapter 17 - A New Destiny

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It had been over 6 hours since we started from the village, our journey filled with multiple detours, pit stops at eateries, and scenic photo opportunities. So caught up in the adventure, we'd almost lost track of time. As the sun began its descent, painting the sky with soft hues of pink, the chilly winds grew stronger, reminding us that our destination was now only two hours away. With exhaustion creeping in, we decided to stick to the highway, avoiding any more detours, as we longed to reach Ganesan uncle's house in time for dinner.

The twilight hours cast longer shadows on the road, and we continued to listen to our music, enjoying the sense of freedom the open road offered.

But just when we thought our journey was smooth sailing, we encountered an unexpected obstacle. On one of the busiest highways, just a few yards away from the toll booth, a massive traffic jam had brought everything to a standstill. It was a frustrating sight, and we were caught off guard, finding ourselves trapped in the middle of the road. As we inquired with fellow travelers, they informed us about a collision between two large lorries, causing their cargo to spill onto the road. Until the mess was cleared and deemed safe for travel, all vehicles had to remain stationary. There was no easy way to reroute or turn back, so like the rest of the crowd, we had no choice but to wait.

I couldn't help but tease Krish, saying, "This is why you need a car." He responded with an amused, dismissive glance.

We decided to get off our bikes and find a spot by the roadside to wait. Tall bushes with a mix of green leaves and dried weeds lined both sides of the road. A few scattered shops and eateries provided some respite. Not far from where we'd stopped, a small tire puncture repair shop had some empty crates we could use to sit on. We settled down and impatiently awaited the clearing of the traffic.

Around 7 PM, as darkness descended, I took a moment to send a message to my dad, keeping him updated on my whereabouts. This was a nightly ritual, as it was the time he usually checked his messages. He hardly ever called me on weekends, opting for a quick text instead. Today was no exception; he replied with his usual acknowledgment. His reply gave no indication that he was aware of the events of yesterday. I wondered if Grandma was a master of keeping secrets, or if they simply never discussed family matters. My father's relationship with this maternal side of the family had always been a mystery to me. I struggled to recall him interacting with them on the few occasions they met.

Distracted by these thoughts, my phone rang, and a WhatsApp call from Tyler appeared on the screen. I hesitated for a moment, then muted the phone and left it untouched. After the ringing stopped, I received a message from him, asking me to call him when I had the time. Another message followed a minute later, expressing his apologies for his reaction the previous day and requesting that we talk.

I sighed and debated whether to engage in a conversation. Finally, at Krish's gentle nudge, I reluctantly agreed to make the call. I picked up the phone and braced myself for what was to come.

"Hey," I greeted Tyler, my voice sounding composed despite my internal turmoil.

"Vee? How are you?" he inquired, concern lacing his voice.

"I'm okay, Ty. What's up?" I replied, my tone distant.

"Where are you, Vee? I hear a lot of noise," he observed, indicating his awareness of my situation.

"I'm out and can't fully hear you," I offered as an excuse.

"Okay, listen. I'm really sorry about yesterday. I wasn't ready to listen, and I'm sorry for that. I should have been there for you. I know I judged you too soon, and I thought about it all day and realized what a jerk I've been," Tyler confessed, his voice heavy with remorse.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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