Chapter 15 - Listen to me

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When we reached my house, he followed me inside, urging me to head straight to my room. He assured me he'd handle my grandma and instructed her not to bother me except for meals.

In my room, I exchanged my soaked clothes for fresh ones and took a long, cleansing shower. The balcony, once a place of joy, now seemed tainted by the day's events. I needed someone to talk to, to share the emotional turmoil that consumed me. My thoughts drifted to Tyler, and I dialed his number, knowing he deserved my honesty.

As I sobbed, Tyler immediately made himself available to listen. I recounted my encounter with Surya and the events that followed.

"Vee, how could you let this happen?" he asked, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"I'm sorry, Ty. I didn't think it would come to this."

"Did you like him?" he asked, pain evident in his voice.

"Yes, Ty. But..."

"Wait, Vee. I don't want to hear anything more."

"Please hear me out, Ty. I liked him as a friend. It was nothing more."

"No, Vee. We haven't properly spoken in days. I thought you were busy with your family and didn't want to trouble you. But, all this time..."

"I don't know what to say, Ty. I just wanted a friend here, that's all."

"I can't do this now, Vee. I've got to go," he said abruptly before ending the call.

Tears streamed down my face. I had hoped to share my pain with Tyler, but he wasn't willing to listen. What had I expected? For him to be understanding and supportive when he believed I had betrayed him? Had I, indeed, betrayed him?

Regret and self-loathing flooded my thoughts. If my father ever found out what had transpired, he would be devastated, and my family would be shattered. How long could I keep this secret?

Krish interrupted my thoughts as he entered my room and closed the door behind him. He sat beside me on the bed, holding a plate of food.

"Eat this," he urged, offering me the plate. I declined, but he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Don't act like a child. Refusing food isn't helping anyone. Those scoundrels are probably eating and drinking as if nothing had happened. Are you going to let their actions affect you this way?"

"Stop, Krish. Don't victimize me. I wasn't entirely innocent. I went with him willingly. He didn't kidnap me. I chose to be with him. I gave him the opportunity to do what he did."

Krish's expression hardened for a moment before he sighed and got up, as if he were ready to leave. "I can't help you if you keep talking like this"

As he began to leave, I reached out, grabbing his hand, and pulled him back onto the bed. "Wait, please stay."

"Eat, then," he said, offering me the plate again. I started to eat in small bites while he watched me silently. Half-way through, I looked at him and asked, "Why are you suddenly being so kind to me?"

He chuckled softly. "I thought we were already friends."

"Yes, but..."

"Shh," he interrupted, placing a finger gently on my lips. "Don't ask me any more questions. We're not talking about me today. I want you to focus on taking care of yourself."

"I need to take my mind off this," I replied.

"No, I actually want you to confront it."

"Confront it? What do you mean? I should go and talk to him.?"

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