Chapter 16 - The Road That Heals

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The next morning, I woke up with the memory of the previous day's trauma still fresh in my mind. It was like a heavy cloud hanging over me, but I knew I needed to start the process of healing. Krish had promised to take me on a long drive outside the city, and I clung to the hope that it would help clear my mind.

Krish arrived early, his motorcycle glistening in the morning sunlight. I greeted him with a half-hearted smile, still weighed down by the events of the past day. He sensed my unease and didn't press me with questions.

"Have you packed?" he asked, his voice gentle.

"Just as you suggested," I replied. "But where are we going?"

"I'll tell you. But first...", he gestured for me to hop on.

We bid our goodbyes to Grandma and Grandpa and we set off. As we left the city behind, the urban chaos slowly gave way to the serene countryside. The roads stretched endlessly before us, flanked by lush green fields and swaying palm trees. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden hue over everything it touched.

Krish spoke up, breaking the silence that had settled between us.

"Veena, today we're going to be doing something interesting. But, you have to promise me something"

"What is it Krish?"

"For this whole day, we're not talking about you or me. We're not sulking about our past. I just want you to focus on the beauty of this moment, the world outside, and the road ahead."

I nodded in agreement.

We drove through villages where life moved at a slower pace. Women in colorful sarees chatted by the roadside, children played in the fields, and men on bicycles pedaled leisurely.

Krish pointed out to a temple nestled amidst a grove of ancient trees. "That's a thousand-year-old temple," he said. "People from far and wide come to seek blessings here."

"Where are we going?", I asked in curiosity.

"We're going to see Nandhini. I'm going to drop you there for a few days and then pick you up."

"Oh! Really!", I exclaimed in excitement. With the situation that I was in, I needed to get out of the city and I needed a friend to talk to. Now, that I think about it, if only I had kept aside my ego and asked Krish if we would drop me to Nandhini's place all those weeks ago, I wouldn't have faced this situation at all. You're an idiot, Veena.

"How far is her town?", I enquired in excitement.

"Not very far. It should take us about 5 hours straight. But, I was thinking we could take a detour and go into the country path. Highways can be boring!"

"That sounds interesting! Do you do there road trips often?"

"I love my bike," Krish admitted. "Whenever I feel stressed or overwhelmed, I just hop on it and ride into the unknown. It's my escape. Usually, I go alone, and it helps me clear my head. This is the first time I've taken someone else with me."

Curiosity piqued, I questioned, "What is it about bikes that you love so much? It's exhilarating, but isn't it also dangerous? Aren't cars safer?"

Krish leaned forward slightly, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Cars may be safer, but there's something about the thrill of a bike that's simply incomparable. It's a feeling of freedom and control, a connection with the road that's hard to put into words."

"I don't understand it," I admitted with a hint of skepticism.

He chuckled, "I don't expect you to. Just enjoy it," he replied, his smirk visible in the rearview mirror.

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