Chapter 13 - A Confession

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Baffled by Krish's ever-changing demeanor, I felt a growing need to distance myself from the complexities of his world. Remembering the promise I had made to my father about staying out of trouble, I decided it was time to focus on making new friends in this quaint village.

The idea was rather appealing, especially since I had just met Surya, a genuinely warm and friendly person who seemed to bring simplicity and joy into my life. I quickly pulled out my phone and began typing a message to Surya:

"Hey Surya, it's Veena."

With a sense of anticipation and a desire to move past the confusion surrounding Krish, I hit send, hoping for a fresh and uncomplicated beginning in my new surroundings.

A few minutes later, my phone tinged, and our conversation flowed for three hours straight. It continued in the same vein over the following days. Occasionally, I'd run into him during my jogs, but most of our interactions took place through our phones, particularly late at night. Surya soon became my 4 AM companion, and I found myself eagerly awaiting his messages.

Our discussions ranged from village gossip to movies and music, gradually evolving into deeper conversations about our childhoods and life experiences. It was fascinating to gain a fresh perspective on life from someone with such a different background. Surya would often send me pictures of his daily routines, providing a glimpse into his world.

I loved talking to him in ways I cannot really explain. It was different from what I felt for Tyler. This was different. He would occasionally flirt and we would brush it off as a joke, but eventually, I started liking that new attention. Time seemed to fly whenever we began talking, and I enjoyed sharing things with him, especially because he was a fantastic listener and always available. Unlike other friends I had, I didn't have to wait for a reply for hours or sometimes days; he would reply in minutes, and sometimes I'd say seconds.

Days turned into weeks, and our friendship deepened in ways I hadn't anticipated. Whenever his name appeared on my phone, my heart skipped a beat. I'd often try to guess how he'd respond to my messages, and he would invariably surprise me with his witty replies. Memes, music, and voice recordings of me attempting to sing Tamil songs added flavor to our conversations.

Finally, the day arrived for our much-anticipated ice cream date. Wanting to keep it a secret from my family, I concocted a few excuses to slip out unnoticed. I rendezvoused with Surya on his moped at the nearest bus stop, and we embarked on our adventure to the town, where we savored ice cream before returning the same way. The thrill of secrecy added an extra layer of excitement to our rendezvous.

The only person who knew about our budding friendship was Varun. When he visited during the weekends, the three of us would hang out together, creating a fun trio. One weekend, Krish made an appearance while we were enjoying each other's company. He greeted me with a formal smile.

"Varun, Mom wants you to come home for lunch," he announced.

"I'll come, don't worry. You go on," Varun replied, dismissing the lunch invitation.

Then Krish's gaze shifted to Surya, and an undeniable tension filled the air, mirroring a similar reaction on Surya's face. My curiosity was piqued, but I reminded myself of my decision to steer clear of their personal drama. However, in the end, my curiosity got the better of me.

"Have you two met before?" I inquired, gesturing towards Krish as he exited.

"They were schoolmates," Varun swiftly responded.

"Really? Then why didn't you talk to him?"

"Well, we weren't that close in school."

"Still, that's rather rude," I commented. "Is your brother always this impolite?" I jokingly asked Varun.

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