Chapter 14 - Friends Forever? Part 2

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Trigger Warning: This chapter might contain graphic references to sexual abuse and trauma.

My mind swirled with a whirlwind of thoughts, leaving me paralyzed in indecision. Before I could muster a response, he leaned in and kissed me. It was an unexpected moment.

What the hell is going on here, V?

No, I wasn't in love with him, and neither did I harbor any hate. I allowed his kiss to linger because, in that fleeting instant, it simply felt okay. After all, a harmless kiss couldn't possibly lead to any harm, could it? That was the thought that briefly crossed my mind.

He pulled off for a moment to look into my eyes before leaning to kiss me again. This time, I try to avoid his lips, realising I was making a mistake.

He was my friend. I didn't want to do this.

He continued to kiss me and his hands slowly moved from my cheeks to the nape of my neck, and slowly moved down further back. It was all happening too quickly and before I could react to it, he slowly pushed me to the floor and leaned towards me.

"No, stop, please", I plead him gently to stop.


"I can't"

I finally gather my strength to push him away. "Stop! What are you doing?" I implored, my voice trembling with uncertainty.

"Like you don't know what I'm doing," he replied, continuing to kiss my neck.

"Wait. I can't do this," I stammered, attempting to push him away again.

"I promise. I'll be gentle," he assured me.

"Surya, no. I'm not ready for this," I insisted, my voice firmer now, as I resisted the pressure of the moment.

He grunts and lets me go. I push myself up in a moment and slap him.

I bowed in disappointment and asked, "What the heck, Surya? Is this what you brought me here for?"

"Did I do something wrong? I thought you were okay with this," he stammered, his voice quivering with confusion and anxiety.

"When did I say that? I can't do this," I protested, shifting myself away from him, a mix of frustration and fear surging through me.

"What happened? I barely did anything. What are you overreacting for?" His words came out in a puzzled tone, his face etched with a blend of frustration and disbelief.

"This is not overreacting," I retorted, my voice firm, trying to stand my ground.

"Why do you keep acting innocent, or as though this is something you have never done before? You said you liked me, didn't you?" he questioned, his eyebrows furrowing in accusation.

I gaped at the kind of accusation he was making. "What makes you think I've done it before? Because I come from America?" I asked, my tone incredulous.

He froze with that accusation, caught off guard by my sharp response.

"And what makes you think I want to do it with you? Do you think I'm a slut?" I snapped, my voice laced with indignation.

"No," he backed up, shaking his head. "No, I did not say that," he hurriedly clarified.

"But that is exactly what you mean. I'm so disappointed. I never thought you were so judgmental like this," I sighed, my disappointment palpable.

"I'm really sorry, baby. I shouldn't have assumed. But you let me kiss you, and I thought..." He trailed off, his voice tinged with regret.

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