Chapter 14 - Friends Forever?

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The night air was cool as I sat by my window, gazing out at the starlit sky. Surya hadn't replied to my message yet, and the suspense was gnawing at me. I understood that I had to be honest about my feelings, but I also couldn't shake the sense of unease that had settled in.

Finally, a notification chimed on my phone. I picked it up, my heart pounding in my chest. Surya's name illuminated the screen, and I hastily opened the message.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you had someone and I know I said it too soon. Thank you for being honest. I value our friendship too. Let's continue being friends, no matter what. Your happiness matters to me, even if it's not with me. I'm glad to have you in my life, and I want to make the most of our time together. Friends forever, right?"

Reading his response, a wave of relief washed over me. Surya's maturity and understanding shone through his words, reaffirming the connection we had built. With a soft smile, I typed out my reply:

"Surya, thank you for being cool about this. Friends forever, indeed. You're amazing. 😊"

With our friendship intact, I felt like I had dealt with this in the right away. My relationship with Tyler remained strong and unchanged but my bond with Surya continued to deepen in a different way, adding a unique dimension to my life.

Days turned into weeks, and life in the village flowed smoothly. I juggled my time between spending time with my family, exploring the village, and hanging out Surya and Varun. We often met near the lake or went into the lush fields that surrounded the village, sharing stories and exploring the place.

One sunny afternoon, as we sat under the shade of a sprawling palm tree, Surya shared tales of his dreams and aspirations. His eyes sparkled with ambition as he spoke about his love for agriculture and his desire to bring organic farming practices in the village. It was evident that he harbored a deep connection with his roots and was determined to overcome the societal constraints he faced.

Listening to his dreams, I couldn't help but admire his resilience and passion. Surya's commitment to his goals was inspiring, and I found myself drawn to his unwavering spirit. However, a nagging thought lingered in the back of my mind, a question I hadn't dared to voice: What would happen to our friendship when my time in the village came to an end?

As if sensing my thoughts, Surya turned to me and said, "Veena, I've been thinking about something. I know you will leave after a few months. But while you're still here, let's make the most of every moment, create memories that will last a lifetime?"

I nodded, grateful for his understanding. "Surya, I was just thinking about it. I will miss you when I go back home. And like you said, we have to cherish the time we have, and who knows what the future holds?"

"Umm... Veena, do you know what tomorrow is?"


"My birthday!"

"Damn! I keep forgetting birthdays. I'm so sorry Surya. I totally forgot"

"That's okay. I just have one request"

"Anything for you, tell me. We'll make your birthday super special and grand. Where shall we go?"

"I don't want a grand birthday. I just want to spend my time with you.", he asked in hesitation.

"Just me?", I thought for a moment and agreed. "Okay, done."

"You don't need to plan anything. I want to keep it really simple. I usually go to this special place on my birthday and I want to take you there."

"Okay, we'll go", I agreed.

"And...", he hesitated to speak. "As a gift for me, I want you to wear this saree", he takes a cover from behind him and he surprised me with a beautiful plain dark pink saree adorned with a delicate border. Its simplicity exuded elegance.

My countryside Loverजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें