Chapter 5 - First Encounter

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New Character Introductions

Krish ( AI Generated Image of what my character would look like )

Krish ( AI Generated Image of what my character would look like )

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Varun ( AI Generated Image )

I boarded the flight, exchanged emotional goodbyes with my dad and sister, and promised Tyler that we'd stay in touch

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I boarded the flight, exchanged emotional goodbyes with my dad and sister, and promised Tyler that we'd stay in touch. I asked him to keep me updated on college life so I could live it vicariously through his experiences. After landing in Chennai, India, I called my grandmother to let her know I had arrived. Grandma informed me that Grandpa was waiting at the airport to pick me up. Carrying my bags, I walked out of the airport.

A voice called out, "Veena," from behind.

I turned to see a tall guy in a flannel shirt and gray trousers waving at me. Did he just call me?

"Don't remember me? I'm your cousin, Krish."

He looked different from my memories. "Oh, I... It's been 10 years," I stammered.

"It's okay. You've grown so tall, I wouldn't recognize you either," he said, patting my head. I asked about Grandpa, and Krish explained that he was waiting in the car to spare his legs the walk.

As we walked towards the car, Grandpa greeted me excitedly. Tears flowed as emotions surged between us. I asked, "How are you, thatha?"

"I'm fine, kutti. How's your daddy and sister doing?"

"They're fine, thatha. They were so sad they couldn't come."

"Your father? He always finds reasons not to come here. He took my daughter away and I couldn't see her..."

"Thatha," Krish interjected, cautioning him. Krish suggested we get in the car, promising to catch up at home.

"Okay", I said trying to lift my bags.

"Leave them there. I'll load them."

"No, it's okay. I can do it myself.", I said lifting the bags and loading them into the trunk as he watched me with folding hands. I was certain he was amused by this. He was secretly sneering at my clumsy and vain attempts.

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