Part 14

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She ripped her arm away from The Dark One and walked straight over to James. She knelt down so that she was eye level with James and her eyes softened. They softened so much that they began to water. "Did mean old Rumple scare you?" She asked James. James looked up at me, as to asking if it was okay to speak to her. I simply nodded. He looked at her and made a tough face and said, "I'm not scared of no silly old crocodile!!" Then he stuck his tongue out at The Dark One. The women laughed. "Well your very brave!" She said, then she stood up and walked back over to The Dark One. The room filled with an awkward silence, until finally Emma spoke up. "You know Pan isn't coming back right?" The lost boys all looked at me with question in their eyes. I tried my best not to show any sign of worry or fear, I simply just stared at Emma. "You don't know Pan!" That's all I said, and it struck fear and anger into everyone's eyes. "You listen here!!!....." The evil queen began but was quickly cut of by Charming clapping his hands loudly. "That's quit enough for tonight!" He said and looked around at everyone, as to see if they understood. "Marlue, you can stay here for tonight. Emma find the lost boys rooms at granny's." Charming said. "Excuse me?!" Hook disagreed. "But my daughter will be staying with me!" I rolled my eyes at them both. "She's safer with me." Hook said. "Oh really? Who did you send her to when trouble came along?" Charming snapped back. Before the bickering could continue any further I cut in. "Where ever the lost boys go I go!!" I stated, not really giving either of them a say in the matter. They both opened their mouths but couldn't seem to find the words to say. Just then a voice was heard from across the room, at the door way. "They can stay with me! My rooms surely big enough, right mom?" I instantly recognize the voice, I turn around and smile at the familiar face of Henry. Henry walks over to me and hugs me tight! "Henry these people are with pan! They can not be trusted, I couldn't bare if something happened to you again." The Evil Queen said. "I'll be fine! But they need protection to, what's a safer place for all of us than with you?" Henry responded. The Evil queen gained a little smirk on her face as she heard the last bit of Henry's sentence. "Okay, fine!" She finally said. Henry thanked her and hugged her. "This conversation isn't over!" Hook said. "No it's not!" Bealfire agreed. "We meet at granny's tomorrow morning!" Charming said, and they all nodded in agreement. Felix immediately tensed up, at the thought of the conversation not being over. I'll have to talk to him later about it, except I'm not really sure when later will be. We got to the Evil Queens house and Henry let us to his room. Something's a little off about Henry, I'm not sure what it is but he's not himself. The Evil Queen walks in and hands us all blankets. The lost boys all lay down on the floor almost immediately after grabbing a blanket. Henry climbs up into his bed and Felix stands over by the windows like as if he's keeping watch. I make sure all the lost boys are comfy and I say goodnight to them, I spend extra time with James. I walk over to Felix put my arm slightly around his waist, I would put my arm around his shoulder but my arm can't reach that high considering that he towers over me. "Why don't you get some sleep." I say to Felix. "When was the last time you saw me sleep?" Felix questions at she raises an eyebrow towards me. "Exactly! Go lay down, go to sleep, it's been a long day." I push him over to a clear spot on the floor. "Pan wouldn't like this......he gave his orders." Felix says. "Well I order you to sleep! We're fine, at least for a little while. You need to sleep!!" I respond. Felix sighs in defeat and makes eye contact with Henry then lays down on the floor and closes his eyes. I stare at Felix questionably, not daring to look over at Henry. Something weird is going on here, and I'm determined to figure out what. I say goodnight to Henry then lays on the floor between Felix and James and quickly fall asleep.

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