Part 4

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The room was silent, for what seemed like ages. Then a familiar voice called my name, "charming" I yelled and he picked me up and spun me around, as soon as he put me down I jumped into aunty snows arms! When I was a little girl my father would go to these far away places that he couldn't bring me to. He was afraid of me getting hurt, so he would drop me off at the front steps of the castle and I would stay with snow and charming. Snow and charming never met my father or even knew who he was, my father told me to not tell anyone who I was for they may treat me differently. Snow and charming took care of me like I was their own daughter, they never asked questions about my father or my mother.
We were all enjoying our little reunion when The Evil Queen spoke up
"So who exactly is this sword fighting girl?"
"A daughter of a pirate." My father spoke as he took another sip of rum.
God, I miss rum! Everyone stared at him confused.
"You have a kid? How?" The blonde women spoke.
"Well I assume you remember mila, well short time before she was killed she had given birth to a child, who got taken to Neverland and was killed before I could get to her. So please do in lighten me, how the bloody hell did you get here?!" I opened my mouth to speak, but I was cut off by Felix " turns out she was more useful that we thought she would be."
As Hook, bealfire and Felix rambled on I thought about my first on Neverland.

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