Part 6.

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"Cough" "Cough" I woke up on a beach not sure how I got there. I sat up and saw the Jolly Rodger in the distance. How did I get away from the mermaids. I got up and started looking around, I saw a trail in the woods and decided I should look for my dad. Then a voice spoke behind me,
"Well look who's awake!"
I spun myself around and pulled out my sword remembering my dad would never bring me here because of how dangerous it was. But when our eyes met I was taken back by how attractive he was. He has a British accent and green piercing eyes and brown hair that seems to be in the most perfect mess.
I brought myself back to reality and asked
"who are you."
"Oh did I forget to introduce myself? I'm Peter, Peter Pan."
Where have I heard that name before, it sounds so familiar.
"What is the name of this island" I probably could have said that a little nicer but I wasn't about to show any kind of weakness.
"Well love, your in Neverland!
I'm sorry love what did you say your name was?"
"I didn't"
"Ouch. Is that anyway to speak to your saver."
"Saver, why on earth would you save me."
"If I told you, you'd never believe me. But don't worry love you will figure it out all on your own someday"
I swear every time he calls me love a part of my heart melts.
~End of flashback. ~

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