Part 17

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Remember Peter is still in Henry's body, before everyone found out it was Peter Pan. That's why Marlue keeps thinking Henry's acting different.
.Peters prov.
The evil queen told me to stay outside of Mr. Golds shop or in other words my sons shop. They are falling for my plan perfectly, no one even thinks Henry is acting any different. I heard a familiar voice coming from the shop. My heart starts to beat faster, there's no way, how did she get off the island!?!? I slowly walked into the back door not wanting anyone to hear me. I listened to where the voices were coming from and peeked through the doorway at were they were. I saw Marlue and bealfire sword fighting, a smirk grew on my face as I remembered how good of a sword fighter she is. I recalled all the times we battled side by side, I was lost in my memories when but quickly was snapped out of them by the loud crash of metal hitting the floor. I saw Marlue and Hook only inches apart, I suddenly felt a strong urge to intervene. Then I remembered I don't have my magic, and I'm still in Henry's body. I try to ignore the protective urges rushing through my body, then someone ran into the shop yelling Marlue's name and she lept into his arms, as he spun her around. "Who the hell is this!" I said out loud, to angry to care if anyone heard me. Oh fantastic it's the king and queen again with their little family reunions, I continue to ease drop on their conversation. Somehow I become distracted, starring at Marlue that I almost didn't hear queen snow/Mary Margaret say "let's go to my apartment. I quickly sneak back out the back door and sit on the sidewalk. The evil queen/Regina comes out the same door moments later and says "come on Henry we are going to granny's, hopefully they are still open." She reaches out her hand waiting for me to grab it, I hold hands with her as we walk down the street and around the corner to granny's. She sits me at a booth and tells me to stay here as she walks away. Of course after she walks away I follow her. She goes up the stairs to a door and walks straight into it, and closes it behind her. I put my ear up to the door trying to hear what's going on inside the room. I hear people talking I just can't make out who it is that's speaking. Soon I head an all to familiar voice, It was the voice of the youngest lost boy James. I cracked open the door so I could see if I was right and I saw James run over to Marlue and hug her legs. Then the rest of the lost boys came into the room, I watched as they all crowded around Marlue. Everyone in the room doubted how great the lost boys lives were on Neverland and even the lost boys doubted I was returning to them, but not Marlue. Marlue might have had doubts but she would never tell the lost boys about them, she knew they needed hope so she gave it to them, she built up their faith and built hers up along the way. She really was just like a mother to them, but she was also like a best friend. She would wrestle on the ground with them and tell scary stories, she'd  joke around with them. But when they got hurt or James cried, the joking and wrestling stopped and it was almost like she went into some kind of mother mode, she would care for them until they were better again. And sometimes before bed she would tell them stories and sing them songs. She would always make sure they always were warm enough and had blankets. She would make a great mother someday.........
Just then I heard king David, hook and Felix bickering about where Marlue would stay for the night. I had no idea how this would end but I didn't want hook or David to win. Suddenly I had the idea to take even more advantage of being in Henry's body, so I walked into the room and loudly said "They can stay with me!" "They are with pan, they can't be trusted." The evil queen quickly responded "Not right now they aren't, and they need protection. Where's a safter place for them than with you." I said softly starring at her. She gave in, like I knew she would and Marlue and the lost boys walked back with us to the evil queens house.

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