Part 8

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We were all at Mary Margrett's and Emma's apartment. Yes I figured out who the blonde chick is, and I'm not to happy about it. I was standing between charming and Bealfire, the room was silent for what seemed like forever. Intel The Dark One broke it. "So how exactly did you to meet or find out you were related ?" He motioned over to me and Bealfire, before we could speak my father cut in.
" well you see when Marlue followed me to Neverland she got off the boat and was found by Pan. Before he could bring her to camp Bealfire saw her , they hid about unnoticed by Pan and myself for quit some time. Intel Pan found them once I found out that Pan had them I took them both aboard my ship. That's were they found out they were brother and sister." He took a big gulp of his rum once he finished .
It's funny how little they know about me being on Neverland. I was always on camp with the lost boys,
Even when we were on the Jolly Rodger I would still sneak off and be with the lost boys. I loved that island!! And no one knew how much I loved it , except for pan and the lost boys.
Just then the door flys open and in come running James the youngest lost boy.
"Marlue!!" he screamed about as loud as he could.
"James!!" He leapt into my arms and gave me the tightest hug.
"I missed you! I thought I'd never see you again." He said tears threatening to fall from his eyes.
"Oh Don't cry, I missed you to. Where are all the rest of the lost boys?"
Before I could even finish the rest of my sentence they all came running in and hugging me. "Haha I missed you guys haha." Everyone I'm the room stared at us confused . I just ignored it. "I miss Neverland." One of the boys said.
"I miss Pan." Another said.
"Me to boys." We all looked really sad. Which made everyone look at us even more confused.
Felix decided to respond to the looks we were being given. "While on Neverland, when you thought she was dead she had met some of the boys."
Memories of Neverland came back to my mind.

Peter Pans Secret!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora