[2BSmiley] Episode 1 - My Destiny

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Kokoro: Azu, are you ready to go to school?

Azu: ...Kokoro, what the hell are you-

Kokoro: Come one brother, let's go!!

Azu: ... Ok... I'm getting ready soon..

[Kokoro and Azu arrive at the school, on their first day]

Kokoro: (Class 2B, huh...? Azu doesn't seem to be in the same class as i am...)

[Kokoro arrives at her class]

Kokoro: (I've just entered the class, yet people's eyes are all over me... It's... Disturbing...)

[Kokoro sits on a chair]

Kokoro: (This is so boring... I'm starting to... overthink stuff...)

[Kokoro starts to dive in her mind, she remembers about when she was a little boy]

Young Kokoro: Mom, can you buy me this doll?

Kokoro's Mother: Oh, no, that's for girls, sweetie! Here, I'll buy this toy car for you!

Young Kokoro: (But... That's not what i wanted...)

Elementary Kokoro: (I'll never be a girl, no matter what i try... I'll never be pretty, no matter how many dresses i put in my body, no matter... how i try and feel... I'll always... Be a boy)

[Azu enters Kokoro's room]

Elementary Azu: Brother... Can i ask you-

Elementary Kokoro: Please, i can explain...

Elementary Azu: It's ok... do you wanna talk about it, sister?

Elementary Kokoro: ...Sister?

Kokoro: (Even when i thought no one would see me as a girl... my brother saw me as a girl, as who i really am, although i never show to be glad to have him, I'm happy i have my brother to talk to whenever i need to, i really appreciate his presence, i wish i could actually say to him how much i am happy to have him, he's the one who helped me through the worst times...)

Kokoro: (But... Mom would never accepted me as i am... i had to run away from home... i still miss her...)

Kokoro: (I wonder if... Today, would she accept me as i am?)

???: Hey... are you ok? You look... troubled...

Kokoro: Ah... huh?

???: I saw you being troubled... You're new here, right? What's your name?

Kokoro: Ah, I'm Kokoro, what's yours?

Chishiki: I'm Chishiki, well... ummm, is everything ok?

Kokoro: Yes... everything is fine, just thinking about some stuff...

Chishiki: Do you want to... talk about it...?

Kokoro: Sorry, it's just that... i don't really feel like talking about it right now...

Chishiki: I see...

Chishiki: Do you want to... be friends? It's ok if you don't want to... People usually think I'm weird...

Kokoro: ... (Just like people think about me, they think about me... as weird, while i'm just being myself)

Chishiki: ... I see... It's ok, i bothered you, I'll just go back

Kokoro: Wait-

Chishiki: ...?

Kokoro: It's just that, people also see me as weird... I'd love to actually have a friend for once...

Chishiki: ... Really?

Kokoro: Yes! I'd love to have someone to talk to...

Chishiki: Yay!

Kokoro: Hey, umm, I'm quite troubled at this math question, can you help me, please?

Chishiki: Of course!

Chishiki: First you do this, and then you just multiply normally!

Kokoro: Wait really, thank you so much!!

Chishiki: No problem!

[Some time later]

Kokoro: (It's almost time to go home, huh?)

Chishiki: (I'm so bored here...)

Kokoro: Hey, Chishiki, look at that funny bug!

Chishiki: It's so... silly looking...

Kokoro: Yeah!

[Bell Rings]

Kokoro: Ah, finally!!

Chishiki: Ah, bye Kokoro! See ya tomorrow!

Kokoro: See ya!!

[Kokoro arrives home]

Kokoro: (I've finally made a friend, although... If i ever told him about who i really am, he would be disgusted, like everyone else was...)

Azu: Kokoro? What's going on with you today? I've seen th-

Kokoro: Ugh, it's nothing...

Azu: Ok...

Azu: (She's always like this... i wonder when will she finally be ready to talk about how she feels... It's not like i... am either...)

[Kokoro enters her room]

Kokoro: (I could never talk to Azu how i really feel, i don't want to talk about my feelings, i want to be alone already!! I don't want to talk at all!!)

Kokoro: (That's exactly what i thought back then, wasn't it...?)

[Chishiki arrives at his house]

Chishiki: ...

Chishiki: (I've finally found someone... someone who goes through what i go and actually, wanted to be friends...)

Chishiki: (But i wonder... for how long... will she... still be my friend...)

[Episode End]

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