[4light] Episode 6 - Farewall To Me

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[At the first day of school, at Azu's classroom]

Aka: Hey, Azu!

Azu: ...Oh, hi Aka

Aka: I guess we're from the same class, huh?

Azu: ...Hm, i guess so...

Aka: That's great!

Azu: ...

Aka: Well, I'll go sit somewhere, I'll talk to you later, Azu!

Azu: Talk to you later too, Aka...

[Azu sits in a corner while Aka sits somewheres else]

Azu: (It's the first day of school, yet...)

Azu: (Why don't i feel good

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Azu: (Why don't i feel good...)

[Azu beginds to have a flashback]

Azu's mother: Stop crying, boys shouldn't cry, you're so sensitive, you're just a mistake

Azu's mother: Stop being so irrational, just because it didn't go your way that you have to be all mad, grow up for once

Azu's Classmate: Azu's such a crybaby, i don't get it what he's so emotional for!

Azu's mother: i can't believe i gave birth to such an ugrateful boy, is this how you retribuate my hard work and love? by being this disgusting thing you are? I don't want to even look at your face, don't refer to me as your mother until you change your messed up head

Azu's Classmate: You really thought i was your friend, Azu? Haha! No one wants to be your friend, you're just a weird and confused boy, that's why no one plays with you, not even your mom likes you

[Flashback Ends]

Azu: (I was never accepted as who i am, not even by my own mother...)

Azu: (I had to run away from my own mother, i had to give up everything and had to struggle for everything, i kept my emotions for myself for too long to the point I can't even express myself... I can't do anything right, i can't... i shouldn't... be alive, I don't want to be alive, i want to die... i don't want to deal with this anymore, i want to be alone, no one really does... like me, not even my own sister...)

Azu: (If i disappeared, would anyone care?)

Azu: (I don't think anyone would care... not even Aka, she has her own things to worry about, it's understandable...)

Azu: (...I... don't know what to do anymore... i don't know what i feel anymore, I don't know if i'm sad or angry)

???: Hey...

Azu: ... Huh?

???: Are you... ok? I saw that you look very... confused?

Azu: Confused...?

???: i can't really tell, but I don't think it's that good, i mean... are you feeling well?

Azu: ... i... don't really know if i could talk about it right now...

???: Ah... i see...

Azu: What's.... your name?

Naro: My name is Naro, what about yours?

Azu: I'm... Azu

Naro: Oh, nice to meet you, Azu!

Azu: Nice to meet you too... Naro...

Naro: Do you want to... hang out at recess?

Azu: ... i... actually wouldn't mind, sure...

Naro: Oh, okay then

Azu: (What's with this guy? he's actually... being nice? weird...)

Azu: (I guess i'm just... not used to that...)

Naro: (I wanna know what's up with this guy, i know he's probably not fine, i want to know what's up with him, i want to help him... I want to... actually be useful for once...)

[Naro has a flashback]

Young Naro: ...mom? Mom...!

[Naro starts to cry]

Young Naro: Mom... I'm sorry i couldn't save you... It's all my fault you died in the fire and not me... I should have died in your place... I'm sorry mom... I wasn't useful...

[Flashback ends]

Naro: (I'm so sorry, mom, I've failed you, and now, I'll never see you, i still miss you...)

Naro: (I won't let that happen again, I'll actually be useful for once... and help someone...)

[At recess]

Naro: So, Azu, what do you like doing?

Azu: I don't know, i usually like listening to music, there's not... much i like doing...

Naro: Well, that's already something!

Azu: I guess... but what about you

Naro: I like playing games, all kinds!

Azu: Is it like... your hobby?

Naro: Yeah!

Azu: (I wish i had like... a hobby or just something i really enjoy doing, or at least something productive...)

Naro: Do you want to... listen to music together?

Azu: Hm... I'll pass...

Naro: Ah, i see, it's ok!

Azu: (Is this guy... trying to be my friend?  I don't really trust him... last time i called someone my friend they turned their backs on me and gossiped about me, what if... it happens again?)

Azu: I think i'll... just go... see you later..

Naro: Ah, alright, see you later!

[Azu leaves]

Naro: (It's happening again... People are distancing themselves from me... I guess what they told me is true, i am a disgusting person... I'll never be a real boy, I'll never be a valid person, I'm just a really disgusting person, that's why no one wants to be my friend...)

[Naro has a flashback]

Naro's Classmate: Haha, Look at this girl, she really thinks she is a boy, when will she wake up?

Naro's Grandpa: That's just not acceptable, you're just confused, you're a girl and that's final, i don't accept that kind of behavior around my house, you're out of this house and I'll only accept you at my house if you accept that you are a girl and that's IT.

[Flashback ends]

Naro: (Even my own family and classmates were disgusted by who i am, i guess it's just how things have to me... I'll be forever empty and alone... i hate myself for being this way... why wasn't i born... normal?)

Naro: (I... won't give up to understand more about this guy... i want to help him no matter what...)

[Episode End]

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