[Rosaliuns] Episode 20 - Bloom Of Our Past

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[In recent days]

Haruki: Mei, Mei!

Mei: Oh, Hi Haruki! Long time no see, huh?

Haruki: Yeah, hey, You remember Rosaliuns? Aka, Hana?

Mei: Oh, yeah right, i do!

Haruki: Aka and Hana told me they have something to tell us!

Mei: Really? What is it?

Haruki: I told know, but they told us to meet at Aka's house so they could tell us!!

Mei: Oh, alright, well, let's go then!

[Mei and Haruki go to Aka's house]

Mei: Well... we're here!

[Haruki knocks on the door]

Aka: Oh, hi Haruki, hi Mei! How are you?

Haruki: Oh, hi Aka, I'm fine

Mei: Hello, Aka! I'm pretty much fine as well!

Aka: Oh, alright, please come in! And go to my room by the way!

[They go to Aka's room]

Mei: Oh, hi Hana!

Hana: Mei, Haruki? It's so nice to see you two again!!

Mei: It really is, Hana!!

Haruki: Well, what did you and Aka call us for?

Hana: Oh yeah, Aka, come here!

Aka: What is it?

Hana: The thing... you know...

Aka: Oh yeah, right!

Haruki: So are you two gonna tell us or no?

Aka: Right, so you two have received a message from me, right?

Mei: Yes, that's right

Aka: So... Hana, you can tell!

Hana: A record label offered a spot for us, so we can like be real idols!! We can make Rosaliuns be a true thing now!

Haruki: Wait, you're kidding, right?!?

Aka: That's what i thought when Hana told me about it! But she's telling the truth!

Mei: Oh my, that is so cool!! So that means we can like... be idols and be ourselves? Just like i said?

Aka: That's right! And we can do it all together!!

Haruki: Although i thought i never wanted to be an idol, you all gave me hope to keep going and being true to myself, I'm really glad! So... I'd love make Rosaliuns keep going if it's with you guys!

Hana: We'll keep blooming brighter and brighter! We'll bloom hope and happiness whenever we go, even if we can't do this with ourselves right now, it'll be a step for us to help everyone find their happiness, even ours!

Aka: You're right, Hana, we'll keeping blooming! If we fall, we'll just get up! We'll keep going no matter what

Haruki: Well... ummm... we'll keep sharing hope with everyone, I'm sure we'll be able to sparkle various smiles to people, I'm sure of it!

Mei: I'm sure Rosaliuns is gonna go so far! We're gonna do great! I've always dreamed of being an idol, and just doing this with Haruki and everyone else just brings me such happiness!!

Haruki: Yeah, we'll keep going!

Mei: Even if we fall...

Aka: We'll bloom even brighter

Hana: As Rosaliuns!

Rosaliuns: As Rosaliuns!!

Hana: (This would have never happened if Asagao didn't give me hope to begin with, i thank you so much for this, sister, from now on, we'll keep shining bright in honor of your name, we'll sparkle smiles in everyone's faces and fill them with hope... atleast that's what i wanna do with Rosaliuns, i just wish i could do the same with the 4 of us... But i will not give up! One day... i shall even sparkle a smile of hope in every one of us...!)

[Episode & Main Story End]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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