[4light] Episode 10 - The Light Of Yesterday

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[In recent days, at Azu's house]

[Azu and Naro are sleeping together]

Naro: Ah... Good morning, Azu...

Azu: mmm...

Azu: Good morning...

Naro: Huh, i just received a notification

Azu: You should... check what it is

Naro: It's... Kira??

Azu: Wait... what??

Naro: He wants to meet us at the park

Azu: It's been a while since we haven't talked to him... nor Hazou... i kinda miss the two...

Naro: Me too... well, let's go at the park then

Azu: Hm... alright...

[Azu and Naro are walking to the park]

Azu: (We've been dating for years... yet why do i still feel so warm and weird when he holds my hand...?)

Naro: (It's so nice to spend these moments with Azu... even if it's just walking to somewhere while holding his hand... I love him so much! I'm so glad to have him!)

Azu: Oh, there he is...

Kira: Oh, hi Azu... hi Naro...

Hazou: Hi Azu, Hi Naro!

Naro: Cool hair, Kira

Kira: Thanks...

Hazou: Hey, we got you some fresh news!

Azu: Hm...?

Hazou: Our music is famous now!

Azu: Wait what?

Hazou: Look at all those comments on our videos, we're finally getting popular!

Azu: wait... really?

Kira: Apparently they like our songs and lyrics

Naro: That's amazing!

Azu: ...

Hazou: We have so many views tho, we're getting really popular

Azu: We should continue making music...

Hazou: Huh?

Kira: Wait what...

Naro: Oh, i mean, sure, a comeback wouldn't be bad honestly!

Kira: Yeah...

Hazou: 4light is back to work!!

Azu: We'll keep making music, to understand eachother more... to find our true feelings... we'll find our light at the end of the tunnel...

Azu: as 4light...

4light: as 4light!

Azu: (We managed to grow this far, we won't give up... i won't give up... on helping Naro and the others... I won't...)

Hazou: You guys wanna go to a café to comemorate?

Naro: Of course!

Kira: Sure...

Azu: Oh, ok...

[They all go to a café to comemorate]

Hazou: So, what do you guys wanna get to eat?

Naro: Just some pancakes is fine! I'm not really hungry so i'll just share it with Azu!

Azu: I'm not really hungry too but i'll accept the pancakes

Kira: I'm gonne get the... Red velvet cake

Hazou: I'll get the strawberry shortcake then!

Azu: I just can't believe we... actually did so much so far and... we still are gonna keep going...

Hazou: Me too! I can't believe it! I'm so happy about how far we've gotten

Naro: Me too!

Kira: Yeah... me too...

[Their foods arrive, then everyone starts to eat]

Hazou: (It's been a while since i haven't hang out with everyone together, I'm so happy i have people who actually accepted me despite how weird and annoying i seem, I'm glad to have people like Kira, Azu and Naro in my life, i want to keep making music with them forever... well, just being able to talk to them works too... I'm just... really glad to have them... let's keep going... as 4light...!)

[Episode End]

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