[2BSmiley] Episode 2 - Chasing a Thought

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Chishiki: Kokoro, i hate you, how could you ever be such an horrible thing like this, you don't deserve to have friends at all, you're just as weird as i am

Azu: You're all alone now, no one likes you anymore, you're horrible disgusting, no one wants to be your friend, Kokoro.

[Kokoro wakes up]

Kokoro: ...Ah?!

Kokoro: (Oh, it was just... a nightmare, again...)

Kokoro: (It's almost time to go to school, i gotta get myself ready...)

[Kokoro and Azu get ready and go to school]

[On the way to school]

Kokoro: (When will i finally tell him, who i actually am... Would he hate me, would he be disgusted by who i am?)

[They arrive at school]

Kokoro: (I still don't know... if i should tell him, would he feel disgusted...)

Chishiki: (Kokoro probably finds me weird, i don't know why she's my friend, she's a good person, but she doesn't deserve someone as weird as i am...)

Chishiki: (I'll always be weird, no matter how i try... I've tried to fit in with everyone else so hard, yet i was never myself, it hurt so badly, I'm just the weird annoying kid among them, i never match with everyone else...)

Chishiki: (I'll never stop being the weird one...never...)

Chishiki: (Perhaps maybe... no... i shouldn't ask her if she really thinks I'm weird...)

Chishiki: (I don't think there's anyone that cares about how i feel or am)

Chishiki: (Maybe i should hang out with her at recess...)

[Chishiki and Kokoro don't exchange a word until the bell for recess rings]

Kokoro: (Did i do something wrong again? He hasn't said a word to me right now, does... he hate me?)

[The bell rings, it's recess time]

Chishiki: (I should follow her...)

Kokoro: ...

Chishiki: Kokoro-

Kokoro: Oh, hi Chishiki! You didn't talk to me since now at class, did i do something wrong?

Chishiki: (Kokoro must think i'm weird because i don't like talking that much)

Chishiki: No, it's fine, you didn't do anything, i just... was very focused on something

Kokoro: Ooooh... alright, makes sense

Chishiki: ...

[Chishiki notices something weird]

Chishiki: Wait...

Kokoro: Hm?

Chishiki: Isn't that boy from our class?

Kokoro: Oh, he is

Chishiki: It appears two girls are making fun of him

Kokoro: We should help him!!

Chishiki: ...

Kokoro: I mean, it's the right thing to do, right?

Chishiki: Oh- Right, yeah, sorry, it's just that i'm not a big fan of interacting...

Kokoro: That's completely fine!

Chishiki: Now, let's go there

[Chishiki and Kokoro go next to the boy, being bullied by two people]

Student A: Look at this weird guy, even his crying face is ugly, haha!

Student B: He's so pathetic, it's hilariousn

Kokoro: What the heck are you guys doing?!? Leave him alone!

Student A: Why should we?

Kokoro: Why the hell are you two doing this in the first place?

Student B: Because he's different, he's weird, it's funny

Kokoro: Everyone's a little different and weird, just because they're not perfect in society's eyes, doesn't mean you have to make fun of them!

Student B: I don't care, you're just a boy trying to pass as a girl and a weirder pathetic nerd, what are you two gonna do about it?

Kokoro: ...

Chishiki: You know what, i had ENOUGH

[Chishiki and Kokoro both punch the two students in the nose]

Student B: ARGH! What the HECK?!?!

Student A: Let's go away, this place is infected with violent useless weirdos

[The two students leave]

Kokoro: Lord, those two were such a pain

Chishiki: hey, are you alright?

???: Yeah, i am... thanks you two!

Kokoro: Sooo, what's your name? We'd love to hang out with you!

Chishiki: Yeah!

Omari: Oh, my name's Omari, Omari Ocha, nice to meet you!

Kokoro: I'm Kokoro, and this is my friend Chishiki

Chishiki: (Kokoro... Actually sees me as a friend...)

Chishiki: (I never knew i could be so confident to stand up for someone else, i think i could even do it for myself... I'm not weird at all, I'm just... different... that's what i really am...)

Chishiki: We three should be best friends, an unstoppable group of friends! we're gonna go far!

Omari: Yeah! We definitely should, the way you two punched those guys in the face was awesome, how did you do that?

Kokoro: Well, my brother is quite strong, so i learned some stuff from him!

Chishiki: I... Don't really know, i mean it was just a regular punch in the nose...

Omari: But the way you punched him so strong in the face from him to go away was awesome!!!

Chishiki: Eh... I guess you're right!

Kokoro: (Chishiki and Omari... i wonder... if i could ever tell you guys one day who i really am, but if i did, would you guys still like me the way i am? or just leave me, like everybody else? Would i have to run away... like I've always did...?)

Omari: (These two must find me weird, just like everyone else, all the weird looks and stares thrown at me, just because of my skin color, just because i act differently, are they really serious and want to be my friends...?)

Chishiki: (One day, I'll surely say what i feel...)

Chishiki: (But when...?)

[Episode End]

[M4NIA] - Main StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora