[CrossXCross] Episode 11 - Not Good Enough

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[at Kaminoishi High School]

Rikina: (Today is the day our test results will be released... I'm kinda worried...)

Rikina: (Although i know a lot of stuff... I'm not good with taking tests at all... i don't know if i I'll be good enough...)

Rikina: (Maybe things... Will go fine...?)

Rikina's Classmate: Hey, Aimi, are you ok?

Rikina: Ah... I'm fine! it's just that...

Rikina's Classmate: Worried about today's test, aren't you? You always fail them, don't you, Aimi?

Rikina: Hmm... Yeah...

Rikina's Classmate: I mean you should just give up on school!

Rikina: Hm...

Rikina's Classmate: I'm just kidding! See ya!

Rikina: Yeah... see ya...

Rikina: (Maybe she's right, i should just give up)

Rikina: (I'll never be... Good enough... No matter how hard i try... I'm never good enough)

Rikina: (I'm almost giving up... Honestly...)

Rikina: (But why can't i ever... Get stuff right, i know a lot of stuff related to the subjects... But... i never pass the tests... my mother seems to be getting angrier at me because me this, I'm... worried what she'll do next...)

Rikina: (Maybe... I shouldn't worry about it... for now...)

[Some time later]

Rikina: (It's now time... the test results...)

Rikina's Teacher: Alright class, as you may know, the test results are finally here, I'll give you your test results individually now.

Rikina: (I'm... worried...)

Rikina's Teacher: Rikina, here's yours...

Rikina: (I'm scared...)

Rikina: (...)

Rikina: (I've failed... Yet again... why?)

Rikina: (I tried... so hard...)

Rikina: (Yet... I failed... i can't do anything right, why? I... Don't know what to do anymore...)

Rikina: (I'm way too worried about how my mother will react...)

Rikina: (What will she do to me?)

Rikina: (I'm too worried to guess...)

[On the way home]

Rikina: (I'm... scared...)

Rikina: (What is she... Going to do...?)

Rikina: (I think it's better if i... Go home fast and leave my test results somewhere she'll not know...)

[Rikina starts to run fast on her way to home]

Rikina: (I'm here... I came earlier than she did...)

[Rikina enters her house]

Rikina: (Now, I've got to leave this somewhere... but where...?)

Rikina: (I'll just leave it behing those books... there)

Rikina: (I'm gonna lock myself inside my room now...)

[Rikina locks herself inside her room]

Rikina: (But what if she finds out... what she'll do? I'm really scared... I don't know what to do...)

Rikina: (I think i heard something... i think she's home...)

Rikina's Mother: Son, I'm home! where are you?

Rikina's Mother: (He's probably at his room... he better be studying.)

Rikina's Mother: Son, you're studying alone in your room, right?

Rikina: Ah... yes mom, i am...!

Rikina's Mother: Good...

Rikina's Mother: (Hmm... wasn't his test results gonna come out today...?)

Rikina's Mother: Hey, son, where are your test results? Weren't they gonna come out today?

Rikina: Ummm, I didn't receive them yet...!

Rikina's Mother: Oh, weird, alright then, when you do receive them, please tell me!

Rikina: Alright...!

Rikina: (How does she know...??)

Rikina: (I'm scared...)

Rikina's Mother: (Hm...)

Rikina's Mother: (Huh...? What is that?)

Rikina's Mother: (There's a piece of paper behind those books, i don't remember putting something there...)

[Rikina's Mother picks up the paper]

Rikina's Mother: ....

Rikina's Mother: (Is this... Aimi's test results...? He lied to me, he did receive his test paper, not only that, but he failed ANOTHER one.)

Rikina's Mother: Son, come here NOW.

Rikina: ...

Rikina's Mother: NOW, THIS INSTANT.

[Rikina comes out of their room]

Rikina: Yes... mom?

Rikina's Mother: What is this?

Rikina: Oh, that paper? It's just...

Rikina's Mother: Answer me.

Rikina: It's the test results I've received today...

Rikina's Mother: You said you didn't receive them yet.

Rikina: I did, but...

Rikina's Mother: You lied to me, you've hidden things from me, and you have disappointed me... How long do you pretend to keep doing this?

 How long do you pretend to keep doing this?

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[Rikina starts crying]

Rikina: I'm sorry, mother, i got too scared to show it to you... I hid it somewhere else...

Rikina's Mother: Why are you crying? You wanted this to happen, didn't you? I can't believe i've given birth to such an irrational son, you're a disappoinment, now, STOP crying, and GO to your room, NOW, I don't want to see your face right now.

[Rikina goes back to their room crying]

Rikina: (Why can't i be good enough...? Why can't i just be... smart? Why can't my mom love me? I just... can't take this anymore, i want to... Run away... that's it, I'll just... run away... my mom doesn't want to see me, i wasn't... Good enough for her... Nor for anyone, I'll just... run away from this all..)

[Rikina packs their things, and leaves their house by the window]

Rikina: (I'm sorry, mom... I've failed yet again...)

[Episode End]

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