[4light] Episode 7 - Drowning Lyric

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[Some days later]

Naro: (Where is he...)

[Azu is sitting somewhere around the school area]

Naro: Hey Azu, i got us some donuts, do you want some some?

Azu: ...huh?

Azu: Oh, umm... sure...

Azu: (He's still being nice to me, why? it's quite weird, i don't trust him yet... but i shouldn't say nothing about this...)

Azu: Why are you doing this...?

Naro: Oh, i just... really wanted to do something nice for you!

Azu: ...

Naro: Is something wrong?

Azu: No, it's just... I'm not used to people doing that to me...

Naro: Huh?

Azu: I never talked about this to anyone... but...

Naro: It's ok, you can talk to me about what's going on with you

Azu: People always judged me for showing my emotions, people constantly made fun of me for expressing myself, for being me... people weren't nice to me at all, people i used to call my friends all turned their backs on me, gossiped about me, ignored me, i just got... Used to it... Eventually i repressed my own emotions so much i can't even express myself properly

Naro: Azu...

Azu: I'm sorry you had to hear me talk about this...

Naro: Azu, no

Azu: Huh?

Naro: I... actually quite understand you

Azu: How so...?

Naro: Well, when i was younger, i was actually a girl, I've been always liked masculine stuff, I've wanted to be myself, but no one accepted me as i was, everyone gave me weird looks and kept calling me names, i never had an actual friend, I've grown used to that, because i knew i was all alone, and no one would try to help me

Naro: Ever since i saw my own mother die in a fire, I've cared less about helping myself, i want to help someone and understand how they feel, like you, Azu

Azu: You... want to help me?

Naro: I want to help you express your emotions, and be yourself, i want to...

Azu: ...

Naro: Actually know that you have me, your friend, an actual friend!

Azu: ... I...

Naro: hm...?

Azu: No one actually said those words to me... I wouldn't mind being your friends as well...

Naro: I'm so glad, Azu!

Azu: Do you want to... do something?

Naro: Hmmm... of course!

Azu: What exactly?

Naro: Hey, maybe we should try to get some more friends, you know!

Azu: Ah... Alright, why not?

Naro: There's two people there, they look quite lonely, do you wanna talk to them?

Azu: Hm... i guess it wouldn't hurt to try...

Naro: Oh, alright, let's go

[Azu and Naro walk towards the two people]

Naro: Hi!

???: ...Oh, hi

???: Hello!

Naro: What's your names?

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