[4light] Episode 9 - 4light

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[Some days later, Naro is sitting alone somewhere]

Naro: ...

Azu: Hey, Naro...

Naro: Oh, hi dear!

Azu: (...uh, Dear? He never called me dear before... that's actually... kinda cute...)

Naro: Did you want to talk with me about something?

Azu: So ummm... have you ever thought about us 4 making a music group?

Naro: Huh?

Azu: You know, me, you, Kira, Hazou, we could... make music to express ourselves better

Naro: Express... ourselves better?

Azu: It's a good way to know each others feelings better... in a way

Naro: I see... that's actually a good idea, you wanna talk to Kira and Hazou about that?

Azu: Hm... sure

[Naro and Azu walk towards Kira and Hazou]

Naro: Hi Kira and Hazou!

Kira: Oh, hi...

Hazou: Hi!

Naro: Me and Azu have an idea for the four of us!

Azu: Yeah...

Hazou: Oh, what is it?

Azu: So, i was thinking... we're all pretty fond of music, right?

Kira: ... yeah, i guess so...

Hazou: Oh, yeah, we are

Azu: So, uumm... We've been thinking if you two wanted to form a music group with us, we could make music that help us express ourselves, as a way to help us understand eachother more, and like... Find our true emotions...

Kira: ...

Hazou: Hm...

Kira: That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea...

Hazou: We could do that!

Kira: Well... what kind of music do you plan on making?

Azu: I think the melody of the songs could vary depending on the lyrics, but i think we should go with a more calm and slow type of music...

Kira: Oh, alright...

Hazou: But what about the group name?

Azu: Let's discuss about that now...

Naro: Well, what information do we have?

Azu: there's 4 of us, so we could use thay information

Kira: ..."4"? That's our group name?

Azu: Part of...

Hazou: Well, our goal is to use music to find our true emotions, like we're trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

Azu: ...

Azu: That's it...

Hazou: Huh?

Azu: light...

Azu: That's it, our group name, mash the two things together, "4" and "light"

Naro: And you get...

Azu and Naro: 4light...!

Hazou: Wait, i actually like that name! It's really good!

Kira: Hm... Yeah...

Azu: I've got an idea, Naro with work on the mvs, I'll work on the composing, Kira and Hazou will work on the lyrics and art

Hazou: I'm perfect with art!

Kira: (He does have an A+ in art class after all...)

Azu: I mean, the lyrics are pretty much supposed to represent our feelings, so all of us are gonna work on the lyrics...

Kira: I mean, that's fair...

Azu: Do you guys wanna fo to my house to start working on our first song...?

Kira: Hm, alright... what if we all exchange numbers and you send us your location?

Hazou: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea

Azu: Oh, right... agreed

[They all exchange numbers and Azu sends the location to his house]

Naro: Alright then!

[Some time later, at Azu's house]

Naro: Azu! It's me, Naro

[Azu opens the door]

Azu: Oh, hi Naro...

Hazou: Hey Azu!

Azu: Oh, hi Hazou, hi Kira...

Kira: Hi...

Azu: Please... Come on in

[They all enter his house and go to Azu's room]

Naro: Wow, your room is quite very well decorated, Azu

Azu: ... um.... thanks...

Hazou: So... Shall we start working?

Azu: Yeah, let me just turn my computer on, then we can start!

Hazou: Oh, alright!

Kira: I'm gonna start writing the lyrics...

Hazou: I'm gonna draw the cover image for the song!

Naro: Hey Kira, mind if i help you?

Kira: Oh... I don't really mind... That'd ne great actually...

[After some hours of working]

Azu: I'm finished, Naro, can you take a listen to the song real quick

Naro: Oh, sure

[Naro listens to the song]

Naro: Oh, this is actually so good! You're so skilled with this stuff, Azu! I'm so proud of you!

Azu: Oh... thank you...

Naro: What's the song name by the way?

Azu: It's called "Tears of The Moon"

Naro: I liked it, it's very creative!

Azu: thanks...

Azu: hey, Kira... Did you finish the lyrics?

Kira: Yeah, check it out

Azu: Hm... Oh, wow...

Azu: This is really good, it fits us really well

Kira: Thank you...

Naro: Hey, Hazou, did you finish the art?

Hazou: Yeah, take a look at this!

[Hazou shows the cover art for the song]

Naro: That's so good Hazou, you're very skilled at drawing!

Hazou: Thanks!

Azu: Well, all we have to do is sing, mash everything together and post it online...

Naro: Yeah...

[4light then sings the song, edits the video and posts it]

Naro: We did it! Our first song!

Kira: I can't believe this...

Hazou: Good job everyone!

Azu: Yeah... Good job...

Azu: (We actually did it, I can't believe it, i made a song with a group of people thay actually like me... my actual friends and my boyfriend... We'll go far, we'll keep making music to find our true feelings and understand eachother more and more... as 4light...!)

[Episode End]

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