[CrossXCross] Episode 14 - CrossXCross

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[Some days after, at school]

Daichi: We did so great...

Koma: We really did, I'm... proud of us

Asagao: It's all because of Rikina!

Koma: Yeah, Rikina is... awesome

Asagao: They really are!

Daichi: We could go to your house more often, Asagao... just to... hang out more...

Asagao: I think we could, I don't really mind that, i think we're all becoming very close, it's fun to hang out with you guys!

Daichi: You... really think so!

Asagao: Yeah! Let's hang out more times!

Daichi: ... yeah, let's... hang out more...

Koma: (Daichi is actually improving so much ever since i met him... that is actually... great, I'm glad that he is finally getting more friends to talk to, and... so am i...)

Daichi: (Rikina and Asagao... they're my friends now...? That actually makes me feel a warmth inside me... i wish i could express it properly that i'm glad to have them with me... but yet, I can't...)

Asagao: Oh, yeah, by the way, do you guys wanna go to my house today after school?

Daichi: Oh... sure!

Koma: I've been thinking about the same thing, yeah, sure

Asagao: Alright then!

[After school, at Asagao's house]

Asagao: Rikina, I'm back!

Rikina: Oh, hey Asagao! Can i talk with you for a thing?

Asagao: Oh, sure!

[Asagao and Rikina go to a room]

Asagao: So, what is it Rikina?

Rikina: Asagao, are you... skilled at music?

Asagao: Oh, yeah... i am, i think Daichi and Koma are also very skilled! Why you ask?

Rikina: Have you ever thought about... making a music group?

Asagao: Huh...? A music group?

Rikina: Yeah, me, you, Daichi, Koma, the four of us making music, i think it would be great if we... used music to express ourselves in a way, wouldn't it...?

Asagao: Well, i think that's not a bad idea, actually, but... i don't know if the others will want to...

Rikina: It's ok... we can just ask them if they want to!

Asagao: Oh, okay! We can do that

Rikina: Well, let's do that then!

Asagao: Alright!

[Asagao and Rikina come back]

Asagao: Guys, Rikina had an amazing idea!

Daichi: Oh... really? What is it, Rikina?

Rikina: Well... what if we... all made a music group together?

Koma: Huh?

Rikina: You know... make music to express ourselves in a way! That would be great because we're doing it together, don't you guys think so?

Koma: ... well... it's not a bad idea

Daichi: I agree, it's a really good idea, we do have some singing skills after all, it would be great if we used them to make music together as a group!

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