[4light] Episode 8 - Warm Contamination

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[2 Weeks after]

[Azu, Naro, Kira and Hazou are just chatting together about randlm stuff]

Naro: Hey, Kira! what's your favorite animal?

Kira: Oh... hmmm... i like bunnies...

Naro: Me too! They're so cute!

Azu: (I've been friends with Naro, Kira and Hazou for a long time now... actually, their company isn't quite bad...)

Azu: (It's quite... nice to spend time with Naro, he actually understands me, and is pretty nice with me overall...)

Azu: (Even tho he's hurt, he's passionate about stuff... he always says things with a smile on his face...)

Hazou: I really like cats to be honest!

Kira: It's a good choice...

Azu: (I wish i... Could become closer to Naro... he's trying to help me, i want to so the same... I'm just really glad he wanted to talk to me at first, maybe i...)

Azu: (...I suddenly feel warm...)

Azu: (I think I'm just really glad to have him with me as a friend...)

Azu: (But maybe...)

Azu: (I don't know...)

Azu: (I want to talk to Kira about this...)

[Azu is blinking a lot while looking at Kira]

Kira: (Why is Azu blinking so much at me... i think he wants to talk to me...?)

[Azu begins to whisper to Kira]

Azu: Can i talk to you about something...?

Kira: Oh, sure... alright...

Kira: Hazou, I'll be right back, I'm just gonna talk with Azu about something...

Hazou: Oh, alright!

[Kira and Azu go to a corner]

Kira: What is it, Azu?

Azu: ... i don't know how to say this, but...

Azu: I want to become closer to Naro...

Kira: How so?

Azu: He's really passionate about stuff, he's really nice to me and he understands me, he's all about trying to help me and he never gave up, i want to do the same, i feel so warm when i am around him... although, i have no idea why so...

Kira: I think i understand it now

Azu: ...Huh?

Kira: I think you like him, don't you, Azu?

Azu: In what way?

Kira: I'd say... a romantic way

Azu: Eh... I'm not so sure... me in love? i don't think so...

Kira: I think you should tell Naro about your feelings, if you keep them locked long enough, they'll die, don't do it like i did, i regret it till this day, don't do it like you did with your other feelings, you don't need to make yourself go through this, Azu, maybe you should let yourself express yourself in a while...

Azu: ...

Azu: express myself... in a while?

Kira: i know we both can't really do that, but it doesn't hurt to try...

Azu: I guess so...

Kira: Although, please tell Naro about how you feel, the worst thing he could say is "No" after all

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