[2BSmiley] Episode 5 - Recent Smiles!

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[In recent days]

Kokoro: Hm...

[Kokoro receives a message on her phone]

Kokoro: (Oh, a message? Who's is it from...?

Kokoro: (Oh, it's Konoha)

Konoha: Hey Kokoro, can you meet met at the café, please?

Kokoro: Sure, I'll be there!

Konoha: Alright, thanks

[Kokoro turns her phone off]

Kokoro: (Let me just get ready!)

[Kokoro puts some makeup on her face]

Kokoro: (Looking cute!)

Kokoro: (Well... I'm ready)

[At the café]

Omari: Where's Kokoro? I thought she was coming

Konoha: Well, let's all be patient here

Chishiki: (It's been a while since last did a meetup with all of us... I'm pretty excited to talk with Kokoro again)

[Kokoro enters the café]

Kokoro: Hi guys! I'm sorry i was late, i was getting myself ready!

Chishiki: Oh, hi Kokoro! You look amazing!

Kokoro: Thanks!

Konoha: So, now that we are all here, we can talk about it

Kokoro: "It"?

Chishiki: So, we got accepted by a Record Label!

Kokoro: Wait, REALLY?

[Kokoro sits with the rest of 2BSmiley]

Chishiki: Yes, 2BSmiley has never gotten so popular like this before!

Kokoro: You're kidding, right?!?

Konoha: We're not, they're really interested in us and they want us to work for them!

Kokoro: This is so amazing! When do we start??

Chishiki: They haven't said when yet... but they'll send a message whenever we can start

Kokoro: Oh, alright!

Konoha: We'll finally be recognized as who we are!

Chishiki: Yeah... this is a huge step for 2BSmiley, people will finally understand us as who we are, even if they find us weird... our voices will finally be heard!

Omari: Yeah, we have gone so far, let's never give up, alright!

Kokoro: Alright, as 2BSmiley!

Omari, Konoha, Chishiki: As 2BSmiley!

Chishiki: Let's never give up on our dream of telling the world who we are!

Omari: Yeah!!

Kokoro: We've got this, we should get some food to comemorate

Konoha: Let's get some chocolate cake, i heard that the cake from here is the best!

Kokoro: Great idea, Konoha!

Chishiki: (We finally did it, I can't believe this...)

Omari: This is such a great moment!

Kokoro: We've done so much so far! Let's keep going!

Chishiki: ... Yeah, together!

Konoha: Together!

Kokoro, Omari: Together! As 2BSmiley!

Chishiki: (I'll cherish this moment... forever...)

[Some weeks later, at Chishiki's house]

Konoha: Guys, guys!

Chishiki: Did something happen, Konoha?

Konoha: Yeah, the record label sent us a message, we're gonna start tomorrow!

Kokoro: I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to make music with you guys, and make other people listen to it!

Konoha: Making anything with you guys is the best thing ever, I'm so glad i have you guys on my side

Omari: Me too!

Chishiki: We're gonna do great, we'll keep going even if we fall, we'll keep getting up every time we fall, we'll never give up on our dream!

Omari: Yeah!!

Kokoro: Let's do this!!

Konoha: Alright!

Chishiki: As 2BSmiley!!

2BSmiley: AS 2BSMILEY!!

Chishiki: (One day, our message will finally reach everyone, and they'll know... we're worthy of being here!)

[Episode End]

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