Chapter 2

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Forestpaw and Amberclaw padded side-by-side out of the Star Hollow, out of breath, high on adrenaline, and ready to make their parents' day.

    After Amberclaw had successfully rescued her from the small island in the middle of an eel infested lake where she'd been held by Viperfang, they had followed a route that Forestpaw had found out of the Dark Forest and into StarClan's hunting grounds. And in the middle of the abandoned meadow was the Startree, or rather, StarClan's Startree. Turns out that it was a portal from StarClan to the living world. Anyone who still had a presence in the living world could travel between them. Upon crossing back into the real world, Forestpaw had been reunited with her body after moons away.

    She couldn't describe it really, but it was just magical. It was the most wonderful feeling she had ever felt in her life.

    "Wow!" Actual, living, grass!" she had said when they got back, curling her toes around the soft blades beneath her.

    Amberclaw had chuckled and nudged her. "We can be amazed over simple things later, for now, we have to get you home." And they both threw a glance skyward, where they saw the illuminating glow of the full moon.

    They were, after all, about to crash a Gathering.



    Forestpaw felt a small shiver of delight go through her as she heard the murmurs of the cats around her. She was really back. All the eyes on her would have made her nervous several moons ago, now it just seemed to embolden her. She raised her chin and held her tail high, Amberclaw copying her demeanor.

    "What's all this about?" Stonestar asked, and Forestpaw saw him leap down from the Fallenoak and make his was toward the circled of cats around Forestpaw and her brother.

    "Stonestar!" Forestpaw called, and the cats between them fell apart, creating a path. She rushed forward and stopped in front of him.

    His eyes widened. "Forestpaw?" he asked, his pelt rippling with shock. "But... how can this be?"

    "Forestpaw!" Starfur broke away from the other medicine cats and came bounding toward her daughter. Forestpaw's nose was suddenly pressed into her mother's golden fur and rough tongue strokes lapped at her ears. "We all thought you were dead!" Starfur said, pulling back enough to examine Forestpaw's face. "How are you...?"

    "She was trapped in the Dark Forest," Amberclaw said helpfully. "Her spirit at least."

    "How is that even possible?" Stonestar asked. He glanced around and Forestpaw realized that every single cat in the Hollow was watching them with curious eyes, straining their ears to catch every word.

    "Maybe we should head back and discuss this at camp," a new voice said. Forestpaw looked up and saw that it was Violetshadow, her head held high, and her dark blue eyes gleaming authoritatively. Forestpaw narrowed her gaze at her. When we get back to camp, all of EchoClan will know what you've been up to.

    Stonestar nodded. "Good idea." He raised his voice, "Cats of EchoClan, we shall depart now." He dipped his head to Willowstar and Barkstar who were still sitting atop the Fallenoak, exchanging confused glances with one another, before shrugging and leaping down to gather their own cats. Stonestar waved his tail and the rest of the EchoClan cats stood and followed him out of the hollow. But one cat was missing.

    Forestpaw searched the crowd, looking for a familiar dark gray pelt. He should have been standing close, if not shoulder to shoulder with Stonestar.

    "Where's father?" Amberclaw asked Starfur, snatching the words from Forestpaw's mind.

    Starfur stopped abruptly, almost causing the cat behind her to trip. A small sniff escaped her and Forestpaw and Amberclaw both pressed a reassuring shoulder to her.

    "Mom?" Forestpaw said quietly. "What happened?"

    Starfur's shook her head. "Darkmoon isn't here. He's... he's with StarClan." Her voice was choked with emotion and Forestpaw and Amberclaw both shot each other shocked glances.

    "No...." Forestpaw breathed. She thought of StarClan trapped in the Dark Forest and winced. Where would his spirit go now? What would Viperfang do to him if she found him? She closed her eyes, not wanting to think about it. How could he be gone?

    I'm sorry, dad.

Lost Hope: Book 6: Future of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now