Chapter 29

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"What's the plan again?" That was just about the fifth time Dogtooth had questioned her that evening and Violetshadow was getting a little fed up. It was like he was making sure she didn't forget, but she was almost certain he actually didn't remember.

    "The full moon Gathering is tonight," she said, trying to remain cool. "FernClan will be attending as usual; that's when we'll attack."

    "This was Viperfang's plan?" Dogtooth asked.

    Violetshadow hesitated for a brief second. "Yes." In truth, it was Ivythorn's plan. Viperfang's plan had been to barge straight into their camp like what they did to BrookClan, but what did it matter whose plan it was as long as it had the same result? Violetshadow, ruler of all the Clans. She pressed her mouth into a line. No, Ivythorn, ruler of all the Clans while she plays Violetshadow acts like a puppet. But that was practically the same thing, right? Violetshadow had a horrible feeling in her gut that when Ivythorn didn't need her anymore, she'd see to it that Violetshadow was dealt with properly.

    "So when do we leave?" Dogtooth's irritable voice jolted her back to reality.

    "Soon," she said shortly. "Round up your cats."

    Dogtooth just nodded slightly before turning around to shout orders at the rogues, while Violetshadow sat a moment longer, staring at the camp entrance, as if she was expecting something, or someone, to barrel in and fix her internal turmoil.

    She shook her head and forced her well-practiced emotionless expression back onto her face before padding over to the apprentices den. Lynxpaw was sprawled on her side with two of her brothers. They startled when they heard her approach and the small she-cat gave a small squeak of fright.

    "Where's Servalpaw?" she said. "We're leaving soon."

    Leopardpaw and Raccoonpaw exchanged a glance before the former told Violetshadow, "Sorry, Violetstar, but we haven't seen him since training concluded earlier."

    Violetshadow narrowed her eyes. "Very well. If you do see him, tell him he needs to come to see me." She didn't wait for them to agree before turning and heading to the middle of the clearing. "Everyone! It's time to start preparing for the Last Gathering."

    "The Last Gathering?" Griffinwing said. "Why would it be called that?"

    "Because," Violetshadow said. "After tonight, there will only be one Clan in the forest."


Violetshadow led her Clanmates out of the forest and into the tall grass field that surrounded the Gathering Hollow. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, except for the grumblings of rogues, complaining about being up this late, although this was practically the same thing as training sessions in the Dark Forest.

    When they reached the three tall oaks that encircled the clearing, Violetshadow realized that FernClan was already there. Many of the cats bristled as she entered at the head of her Clan, and she mutters of surprise and incredulity as many eyes scanned across Dogtooth and the rogues.

    "Violetshadow?" Barkstar said as she approached the Fallenoak. "What has become of Stonestar? Is he sick?"

    "My name is Violetstar now," she said, leaping up onto the log beside him. "Stonestar is dead." A small series of gasps swept through the FernClan cats and Violetshadow hung her head as Barkstar watched her. "That's tragic. So soon into your deputyship too?"

    Violetshadow nodded pathetically. "Tragic, yes...."

    The whole Hollow fell into silence before Barkstar broke it. "It seems that BrookClan is late."

    "Oh," Violetshadow said. "They won't be coming tonight."

    "No?" Barkstar narrowed his eyes at her. "And why's that?"

    Violetshadow turned her paws to him, her muscles coiling like a snake. "Because they don't exist anymore," she said. "And after tonight, neither will you."

    She sprang toward the FernClan leader, and the whole clearing erupted into chaos.

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