Chapter 22

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Violetshadow saw Lionstripe land in a pile of gold and bloodied fur as Jaguar struck the final blow. The effect of his death seemed to enrage the BrookClan cats even more and they were suddenly pelted with even more teeth and claws than seemed possible. But Violetshadow only had her eyes on one target.


    The muscular silver she-cat wove through the rogues with practiced speed and agility, and her blue eyes were lit like some kind of ice fire. She was like a raging river, and Violetshadow couldn't help admiring that. What a shame that this will be your last battle, Violetshadow thought, making her way towards the BrookClan leader.

    Her paws felt like heavy stones on the sand, but she knew she made no sound as she crept up behind Willowstar, who was lashing at poor Cactus. The tom let out a strangled yelp as she yanked his shoulder out of place. He fell to the ground with a pitiful whine. As Willowstar looked down at him with a triumphant grin, Violetshadow, like a coiled snake, struck.

    The fight was over before it had even begun. Just like she knew she would, Violetshadow hit her mark right where she wanted. Her jaws closed around Willowstar's neck and her teeth sank into warm flesh. The BrookClan leader fell to the ground, blood falling around her in an almost graceful motion. Violetshadow's own muzzle was sticky and hot, and she resisted the urge to swipe her tongue across her lips.

    "Willowstar is dead!"

    She didn't know where the shout came from, but everyone had turned to look and her and she said the only thing she could think of. "You're leader and deputy are dead. I am your new leader now."


"You've done well my pupil."

    Violetshadow turned slowly to see Viperfang smiling down at her from where she sat on her little stone hill near the training clearing. Violetshadow just dipped her head slightly, but wasn't sure what else to say. For the past couple days since the battle, she'd felt like she'd been walking in some kind of dream where she wasn't the one controlling her body. And looking at the slitted pupils of her mentor, she wondered maybe she hadn't been.

    Violetshadow gave her pelt a little shake. She had to stop thinking like this. She'd gotten what she wanted. She was now leader of two Clans. Viperfang's plan was working. Soon they would have full control of the forest, and everyone would see that she wasn't some gray she-cat with strange eyes.

    She would show them all.

    "Mouse for your thoughts, kitten?" Viperfang said with a purr, and Violetshadow jerked back to attention. "My star pupil isn't losing focus, is she?"

    "No, Viperfang," Violetshadow said, holding her head up. "I'm ready for whatever comes next."

    She was expecting the surprise attack, but she had to admit, she didn't feel quite as agile as she did at the BrookClan battle.

    Her adversary landed with a thud on the ground in front of her as Violetshadow slid to the right in one fluid motion.

    "Dahliapetal," she muttered. Violetshadow hadn't seen her in what felt like moons, but she supposed it hadn't been that long since their last mission together. "Been awhile hasn't it? I thought you'd given up on us."

    The spotted white she-cat stood up again, shaking debris from her pelt. She gave Violetshadow an almost sad look as they met gazes. "I've been working as hard as any cat," she said stiffly.

    "Clearly not hard enough," Viperfang said, landing neatly in front of them. "How about a small match up, hm?"

    Dahliapetal didn't look thrilled at the idea, and if she was being honest, neither was Violetshadow. But both she-cats just nodded and stepped into the training clearing, Dahliapetal's tail twitching and Violetshadow's claws retracting in and out, feeling the softness of the earth. They squared up, facing each other, muscles tight, waiting for release.

    "Seen any sign of Tarantulaclaw?" Dahliapetal asked in a quiet voice.

    "On my mark!" Viperfang shouted.

    "What?" Violetshadow said, caught off guard by the question.

    "Have you seen Tarantulaclaw?" Dahliapetal repeated, looking uncharacteristically irritated.

    "Get set!"

    Violetshadow resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "I'm sure he's around her somewhere—"


    But neither of them moved. Dahliapetal's eyes had widened in fear and Violetshadow felt small shiver run down her spine, making her fur stand on end. Because it wasn't Viperfang's voice that had spoken. And when they both looked up, a mangy white she-cat was holding the limp body of a tabby by the neck. With a jolt, Violetshadow realized it was Viperfang.

    Viperfang was dead.

    And her killer was staring at them with a cruel smile on her face that was somehow even more eerie then Viperfang's crooked snake-like grin.

    "You know, there is a saying for this type of situation," the she-cat said, picking a clump of dark fur from her claws with her bloodied teeth. "There's always a bigger fish."

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