Chapter 34

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"Forestpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your own life?"

Forestpaw stood in front of Dandelionheart in the Star Hollow, and for the first time in awhile, she actually felt happy to be there. It had really gotten to the point where she was dreading to be in StarClan's sacred forest, but now it seemed peaceful enough.

"I do," she said, meaning it with every ounce of her soul.

Dandelionheart smiled. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Forestpaw, from this moment you will be known as Forestspirit. StarClan honors your courage and perseverance, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of EchoClan." Her mentor rested his head on hers and the newly named Forestspirit gave his shoulder a lick while the surrounding cats chanted her new name.

Forestspirit looked around to see the other medicine cats, Starfur, Oceanwave, Fogbreeze and his new apprentice, Shallowpaw, Dawnlight from FernClan, and then the new leaders from each of the Clans were also there to receive their nine lives. Foxflame, from her own Clan, Purpleshade from BrookClan, Dahliapetal from FernClan. The splotchy warrior had been an odd choice in Forestpaw's mind, since she had been working for Viperfang in the Dark Forest, although a little chat with her earlier that day had led Forestspirit to believe it had been out of affection for her mentor, Dandelionheart. Dahliapetal had confessed to her that she had had a crush on him every since the mission to bring FernClan back to the forest. "Viperfang had promised me that by uniting the Clans, we could be together. But toward the end I began to see sense." With a glance at the oblivious Dandelionheart she said, "He and I were never meant to be together. I see that now."

"Now, let us share with our ancestors," Starfur invited, and all the cats curled up together among the roots of the Startree. Forestspirit half expected to see herself in the Dark Forest again, but she was pleasantly surprised to see herself face-to-face with the former leader of EchoClan, her grandmother. Meadowstar smiled faintly at her, and Forestspirit realized everything about her was faint. At least, more faint than usual.

"What's... happening?" Forestspirit asked quietly.

Meadowstar sighed, but she was still smiling at her with all the affection in the world. "My dear, Forestspirit. I'm so proud of you."

Forestspirit tried to smile, but she could sense bad news coming and she pinned her ears back against her head. "What is it? Please tell me."

Meadowstar turned her eyes upward and Forestspirit followed her gaze. "I knew that if I told you the aftereffects of destroying the Star Pearl, you wouldn't have done it, but it was the only way to truly stop Viperfang and Ivythorn."

Ivythorn? Forestspirit thought, but she didn't ask questions. Meadowstar continued.

"The Star Pearl has the abilities to bridge the gap between the living and the dead, and without it, the connection begins to fade." Meadowstar met her gaze again, solemn, but resigned.

Forestspirit let out a little gasp as she stared at her. "What do you mean?" she asked slowly, already guessing and fearing the answer.

"It means we will no longer be able to communicate with you." Meadowstar rested her nose to Forestspirit's head as she let out a choked breath. "Don't fret, darling. You can still look for us in the night sky, and we will still be watching over you. And we will see each other again once it's your time," Meadowstar told her, and Forestspirit forced herself to return the smile, even though her heart seemed to be cracking into a million pieces. How was she supposed to fulfill her duties as a medicine cat if she couldn't speak to her ancestors? How were the Clans supposed to thrive if they couldn't receive guidance from StarClan?

    "But what about prophecies? Visions? How will I guide my Clan?" Forestspirit whispered plaintively. "How will the leaders receive their nine lives."

    Meadowstar sighed a little and said, "Foxstar, Purplestar and Dahliastar will be known as the last leaders with nine lives, but that doesn't mean that your future leaders won't have our blessings. You will learn to adapt to this development, I promise."

Forestspirit didn't know if she was convinced, but she nodded slowly.

"Forestspirit?" It wasn't Meadowstar that spoke, and when Forestspirit looked up she saw Darkmoon and Sapphirepaw walking toward her. She let out a joyous cry and hurtled toward them, feeling warm in their spectral embrace.

"You sent me those visions, didn't you?" she asked Darkmoon, looking into her father's deep blue eyes. He nodded and touched her ear with his nose. "I'm so proud of you, my kit," he whispered, a purr rumbling in his chest. "Tell your mother I love her, and I will be waiting for her."

"I will," Forestpaw said. And StarClan began to fade before her eyes for the last time.

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