Chapter 9

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    The cry jolted Forestpaw to her paws. She saw her mother's golden pelt flash fast her, rushing into the clearing. Forestpaw stumbled after her and stopped outside the den. Honeyflower stood at the entrance to the leader's den, her eyes stricken with fear and her tail lashing back in forth in agitation.

    "What's wrong?" She heard Starfur say to the distressed she-cat.

    "It's Stonestar, he's. . ." She shook her head and led Starfur into the leader's den. Forestpaw bounded across the clearing for the second time that morning and followed them in.

    Inside, Stonestar was lying on his side in his nest, breathing hard with saliva bubbling at his lips. Forestpaw saw the partially eaten squirrel that she and Raccoonpaw had given to him earlier. Did it make him sick? It had a smelled a little odd, but she'd thought that perhaps it was just elderly.

    Starfur didn't say anything, only calmly inspected her leader's face and body for symptoms. She narrowed her eyes at the squirrel prodded that as well. As she turned it over, oozing dark liquid spilled out of it's gut. But it smelled sickly sweet instead of like the fresh tang blood.

    "Deathberries," Starfur announced.

    Honeyflower let out a little gasp and Forestpaw froze in horror. I poisoned my leader!

    Suddenly, Stonestar went still. Deathly still.

    "Is he losing a life?" Forestpaw asked quietly. Starfur nodded slowly, her ears twitching uneasily, while Honeyflower crept over to crouch by his side and touched her nose to his forehead.

    What seemed like hours passed before Stonestar's eyes opened again, obviously he had moved onto his next life, although Forestpaw wondered how he had felt going to StarClan when no on was there to greet him. Stonestar raised his head, eyes bright, you couldn't even tell from looking at him that he'd just died and came back. Honeyflower nuzzled his cheek quietly and he gave her an affectionate, but slightly confused look.

    "Who gave you this squirrel?" Starfur asked, her tail flicking in it's direction.

    Stonestar paused, and then he turned his gaze slowly to Forestpaw, who sucked in a sharp breath.

    "I did," she said quietly.


"You poisoned Stonestar?" Dandelionheart was pacing the medicine den while Forestpaw was trying to shrink into the shadows of the bramble walls.

    "I—I suppose I did," Forestpaw said, then realized that wasn't helping her case. She was, quite frankly, appalled.

    "You have a motivation, him not believing you. You have knowledge of deathberries and you have access to Stonestar." Dandelionheart stopped in front of her and she slowly raised her head to meet his eyes. They were serious and disbelieving. "Forestpaw, you've been found guilty."

    "I—I didn't do it on purpose!" Forestpaw protested, feeling like she was about to have a panic attack.

    Everyone involved knew that she had accused Violetshadow off associating with a shadowy warrior, how Stonestar had refused to believe her. But surely no one would believe that she would purposefully try to kill a cat? Her own leader?

    Starfur's head appeared in the entrance. "They're waiting for you."

    Dandelionheart and Starfur led Forestpaw, shaking and shivering, certain she would trip over her own paws before they made it to her destination, to the center of the clearing where all the cats in EchoClan were gathered around in a circle, staring at her. She wanted to bolt under their shocked and disappointed faces, but she forced herself to continue toward the middle of the ring, in the shadow of the Echostone, of Stonestar, staring down at her, imposing and emotionless. At least he looks better, Forestpaw thought optimistically.

    Her mother and her mentor sat on either side of her while Forestpaw stood on her paws, eyes raised up bravely to her demise.

    "Forestpaw," Stonestar began. "You've been accused of poisoning your leader with deathberries. Do you deny it?"

    "No." The words came out as barely more than a whisper as Forestpaw felt the world collapsing around her. She knew that she deserved this. She had poisoned her leader. She had helped Raccoonpaw carry that squirrel to Stonestar's den and given it to him. Hadn't she thought it smelled funny too? And she'd gone ahead any way.

    My fault. It's all my fault.

    "You admit that you are guilty?"

    Forestpaw's voice croaked, "yes."

    "Then I proclaim that you, Forestpaw, are exiled from EchoClan."

    Forestpaw closed her eyes and flattened her ears against her head. This can't be happening. This can't be happening.

    Trembling, Forestpaw squared her shoulders and looked up and into Stonestar's cold gaze. A chill ran through her body and she nodded slowly, screaming internally.

    "If you exile Forestpaw, then we're going with her."

    Forestpaw whipped her head around and saw that Foxflame was standing shoulder-to-shoulder with his sister Lilacsnow, with Amberclaw on his other side. The three cats stared up at Stonestar defiantly and Forestpaw saw him narrow his eyes.

    "And what's the reason for this outburst?" he asked calmly.

    "You're wrong, Stonestar, you all are," Lilacsnow said loudly, her voice bold and captivating. Forestpaw found herself smiling slightly at the she-cat's declaration.

    Stonestar's tail lashed angrily. "No one's keeping you here."

    "Let's get out of here," Amberclaw leaned over to Forestpaw and laid his tail on her shoulders, guiding her out of camp.

    "If anyone else is unhappy with the current events, feel free to join us!" Lilacsnow called, her gaze raking the surrounding cats, who gave each other looks of conflict.

    Sparrowfeather stepped forward. "Forestpaw wouldn't do that. This is unjust."

    "I'd suggest leaving now," Violetshadow snarled from her place beside Stonestar, and Amberclaw let out a small hiss.

    Lilacsnow glared at her and then her and Sparrowfeather joined Foxflame, Amberclaw and Forestpaw. Together, the five left camp and into what felt like unknown territory.

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