Chapter 17

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A full moon glowed over the tall grass field as Vixen led Foxflame, Sparrowfeather and Burrowpelt back to the barn. She'd come back after two days to lay down her plan. She was still going to stay in the rogue barn with her parents, and gain information from the Dark Forest to pass back to them, but she got to be part of the effort to stop Viperfang, although she had to admit they hadn't done much so far in that direction expect simply disagree with her.

    Really, she thought, I am the first step. We're rescuing cats from the barn! And I'm leading the patrol!

    With that thought ringing in her ears, Vixen increased her speed, a spark of adrenaline flowing through her body as she saw the barn up ahead. All they had to do was free Claystream and Lilypetal and get out of there as fast as possible.

    "Wow! Vixen, slow down," Sparrowfeather called from behind.

    Vixen threw a glance at the brown tom over her shoulder as she slowed to a stop in front of him. "What?"

    "We're out in the open now," he explained, flicking his tail around at the large expanse of grass surrounding them. "We have to approach carefully so that we don't draw any attention."

    Vixen ducked her head slightly. Okay, maybe she had gotten a little carried away, but she would've slowed down at some point. It wasn't like she'd been planning to go barreling in there. "I know that."

    "Alright," Sparrowfeather said, apparently sensing the slight defensiveness in her tone. "Well let's just proceed with caution from here." He nodded for her to keep going, and Vixen was happy that he didn't want her to relinquish her position as head of the patrol.

    She began moving forward again, this time moving more slowly and softly through the blades of grass that crept up to her shoulders. She could hear the faint movements of the cat's behind her, but she kept her focus ahead, occasionally twitching her ear one way or the other to listen for anything, or anyone else.

    They finally reached the wall of the barn and Vixen led them around the siding, her ears flicking back and forth and her eyes darting around. She didn't hear anyone, and she assumed most of the cats would be asleep in their nests, training in the Dark Forest. Hopefully her parents wouldn't miss her too much.

    "They're just around the corner," she whispered and all three of them nodded, following her past the edge silently. Claystream and Lilypetal sat in the corner of the tall wire fence, looking like they were about drop off, but trying their best to stay awake, and Vixen realized that they knew that if they fell asleep, then Viperfang would invade their dreams and force them to train with rogues. She felt a small prickle of sympathy for them as she watched their almost lifeless forms on the ground.

    Foxflame peered around the corner with her, his whiskers tickling her face. But he was gone almost as soon as he appeared, as he rushed forward to press his nose against the fence. "Claystream! Lilypetal!" he whispered shouted, and both she-cats raised their heads.

    "Foxflame!" Lilypetal said and hurried over to the wire fence. Claystream was a little slower on the reaction, and Vixen could see that the wound on her face was definitely infected by now.

    "I'm so glad you're okay!" Foxflame said, pressing his nose to hers. With a glance at Claystream he added, "Well, mostly okay."

    "I'll live," Claystream said with a grunt, but her amber eyes gleamed brighter upon seeing Foxflame.

    "Let's save the reunion for when we get out of here," Sparrowfeather interjected, though not unkindly. Burrowpelt gave a small nod of agreement and began to experimentally paw at the wire fence.

    "Wait..." Lilypetal said, eying the brown she-cat. "Burrowpelt?"

    "That's me," Burrowpelt said. "I have a feeling that we're going to be going through this a couple more times." Sparrowfeather shot her a glance that looked like he was holding in a laugh.

    "We'll tell you everything when we get back to... camp," Foxflame said. "But first, let's get you out of here."

    "I don't know how you're going to do that," Claystream said, staring up at the tall wire fence with dubious eyes.

    Vixen gave her tail a flick. "Allow me," she said, and without waiting for the other cats to say anything, she ascended the wall where the mesh fence met the siding, using various paw holds before getting onto the roof. The whole thing was held together with ties at the top of the overhang, threaded through small holes in the wood and tightened so you couldn't move it. The bottom was similarly bound down with stakes on the each side with twine connecting them. Vixen moved lithely across the shingles, the textile rough under paw, and began to work at the hard ties with her teeth.

    "What are you doing?" Sparrowfeather called up, his voice sharp.

    "Relax," Vixen said, pausing. "I know what I'm doing!"

    Foxflame gave the brown tom a reassuring look and Sparrowfeather just sighed.

    Vixen continued to gnaw at the tie, feeling the plastic beginning to give. It finally snapped and the mesh went loose on one side. She moved onto the next one. This one snapped a little easier, and left the inside of her lip bleeding as it gave way. The front side of the mesh completely flopped over and the cats below began to paw it closer to the ground, so it lay flat on the muddy grass and was safe to walk on.

    Vixen's whole body well with satisfaction as she looked down at her work. The she shook her pelt out, swiped her tongue over her bleeding lip, and jumped down to join everyone else.

    "That was brilliant!" Burrowpelt praised Vixen, giving her a playful nudge with her shoulder.

    "Yeah, that was amazing, Vixen," Foxflame told her, his eyes holding the barest hint of shyness. Vixen gave him a knowing grin, catching Lilacsnow rolling her eyes from behind her brother.

    Vixen saves the day, she thought. Maybe I am good after all....

Lost Hope: Book 6: Future of HopeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin