Chapter 20

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    Violetshadow turned sharply at the call of her name. Her new name. It was Dogtooth. Viperfang had told her to appoint him 'deputy', or whatever her version of that was, although Violetshadow didn't refer to him as that and he certainly didn't act like it. He didn't really do much besides complain about how her and Violetshadow were running things.

    "What it is?" she asked waspishly, not bothering to hide her irritation.

    "I thought we were leaving soon?" he asked her, his eyes glowering. He even had the nerve to tower over her like some angry father.

    Violetshadow just glared back. "We are," she said.

    "Then what are you waiting for?"

    "Just give me a few minutes to prepare," she said, turning away from him. The real answer to his question was simple really, she'd been trying to contact Tarantulaclaw. It was still before dawn on the night before the half moon, maybe he was asleep or something? If they were going to be raiding BrookClan then she'd thought he might have some kind of involvement. But maybe that was why he was absent in the first place, so that he didn't get hurt. But then she thought, why would Viperfang care if Tarantulaclaw got hurt in the battle? What was the real reason behind his disappearance? And why did she care?

    I don't, she scolded herself. She shook out her pelt before heading toward the camp entrance where her battalion was waiting. The rogues' eyes were hungry with anticipation, while most of the EchoClan cats seemed on edge. Starfur and Dandelionheart sat by the medicine den with bundles of herbs ready to go if necessary, although they looked a little miffed about not going to the medicine cat meeting. They had grim expressions on their face, and neither would meet her eyes as she gave them a once over.

    "Finished daydreaming?" Dogtooth asked, and Violetshadow wanted to make his face symmetrical with another long claw mark across his eye, but she resisted the urge, resorting to her own form of warranted condescension.

    "Only when you're done living," she said. "So, who's ready to show BrookClan who really owns the forest?"


Violetshadow had never been in a real battle before.

    She realized that once they'd crept across the river, utilizing the stepping stones and the Fallenwillow. Sure, she'd fought countless cats at this point, but this was going to be different—a lot different. The thought sent a burst of adrenaline through her veins, and something that reminded her of anticipation.

    It's time, Viperfang whispered to her from wherever she was. She still wasn't sure if that voice really was her shadowy mentor, or something deep in her conscious. Maybe both.

    She led her cats up the crest of BrookClan's island, her heart rate surprisingly steady, even though she could feel the tension of her Clanmates around her. They came in view of the camp, the dawn light slowly creeping over the little water bushes that surrounded it.

    "That's BrookClan's camp?" Dogtooth hissed under his breath. "This should be a walk in the park."

    Violetshadow had to agree, although she made no comment. Just from looks it was simple and seemingly open, but she knew from stories that BrookClan was a force to be reckoned with, but, so was EchoClan. And with the rogues on her side, Violetshadow knew this was a battle she wasn't going to lose.

    "Who goes there?" she heard the loud and unmistakable voice of Lionstripe the deputy. He would be her first target. And then Willowstar.

    "ATTACK!" Dogtooth shouted, bursting forward with his rogues.

    "...Attack!" Violetshadow called out, almost half-heartedly. And she dived into the fray.

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