Chapter 7

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Forestpaw couldn't believe it. Everyone was taking Violetshadow's side. Violetshadow. The cat who was assisting Viperfang, that cat who had killed her sister.

    She shook her head. She should've been prepared for this, she had been away so long. Her Clan had moved on without her and she wasn't sure if she would be able to catch up.

    On one paw, there was nothing much she could do. She had made her case, there was nothing else she could say. Stonestar wasn't going to boot her out of camp for spinning a story of his deputy, although she might kick herself out if she had to be reminded of it daily. She'd watch Violetshadow sending out patrols, just like her father used to do, and all Forestpaw could think was how Violetshadow had all of them wrapped around her claw.

    All of them except me and Amberclaw.

    But after more close observations Forestpaw realized that maybe there were more cats that disagreed with Violetshadow's position. Because a couple days after she had been refuted for her claims, Foxflame had come to the medicine to after a nasty bramble had gotten his ear.

    "You can handle that, right, Forestpaw?" Dandelionheart asked her. At least he still trusts me to take care of patients.

    "Absolutely!" Forestpaw sprang up and trotted over to Foxflame. He bent his head obligingly so she could inspect the wound. She went to their store to fetch some marigold and cobwebs and when she came back she chewed the leaves carefully into a pulp which she then gently smoothed over the tom's ear. Foxflame grimaced slightly, but didn't say anything.

    She began to unravel the bundle of cobwebs so that she could wind it around his ear tip when she caught himself staring out the den at something. She paused her work and saw a flash of dark and light gray and realized that it was Violetshadow and Lilacsnow. She strained her ear enough to make out angry voices and guessed they were arguing. Foxflame turned back to her and she hurriedly went back to her cobwebs.

    "I know what you think about Violetshadow," Foxflame said quietly as he bent his head to let her wrap the cobwebs around his ear.

    Forestpaw flashed a look at her mentor who was talking in the corner with Starfur. Neither of them were paying attention to them.

    "I'm sure most of the Clan does," she said, barely moving her mouth.

    "I think you're right about her."

    Forestpaw paused briefly, before she finished securing the bandage and Foxflame raised his head to meet her gaze.

    "You do?" she asked quietly.

    Foxflame nodded. "Me and Lilacsnow. We know she trains in the Dark Forest, we've met Viperfang and the rogues." His mouth quirked up slightly as though his mind had suddenly gone elsewhere. "We know what's coming for the Clans, we want to help."

    "I—well—that's great," Forestpaw gave him a little helpless smile. "But I don't even know how to fix all this, it's the whole Clan against us four."

    Foxflame grinned. "I'm sure we can change that."

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