The Female Of The Species Part 1

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Author note: Listens/ listening in is mind reading.

It's been a few days since the incident with the man who touched me. Everything has been quiet and there was no reports made. Butcher has kept me hold up in a little motel not far from where Hughie and such are doing their thing.

I am ridiculously bored and losing my mind slowly in this room. I'm currently doing some yoga to pass time. My ass is in the air as are my legs while my back is arched.

There is a growl from behind me "Well holy fuck love, Didnt expect such a show" Butcher looks me over hungrily. I squeak and get up. I push his chest "Heard of knocking?!" I huff, He growls and grabs me pinning me to the wall. "I did. You didn't hear apparently" He leans his head on mine brushing his nose over mine.

I blush and push my body into him "Get off...I really hope you are here to tell me I can rejoin you guys, I'm so bored" I pout. He chuckles and lets me go "Luckily for you? Yes, that's exactly why I'm here Love" He looks my body over eyes lingering on my chest "YAY!" I jump up and hug him wrapping my legs around his waist "I can't wait to be useful again" I nuzzle his neck and purr like an actual kitten.

"Well hello sexy~" He growls hugging me back and gently nipping my neck making me whine "Ack!" I hop down blushing "D-Don't do that...It makes me feel weird" I tuck my hair behind my ear. He chuckles "It turns you on Love" He takes out his phone as it rings and answers it, He talks to what I think is M.M for a couple of seconds before hanging up. "We need to go now, Never a dull fuckin moment huh? Get dressed and pack up" He goes and stands by the door as I scramble around getting everything into my bag.


Butcher and I walk into the basement of a Chinese restaurant and it is...A murder scene, I almost walk back out. There is one guy with his stomach torn open and his eyes gouged out. There's another practically disemboweled and the last guy seems like a self-inflicted gunshot to the head. If he saw all of this I don't even blame him. It is so bad.

Butcher and I walk over to Hughie who is completely shaken "Ain't this a mess...You alright?" Butcher asks actually sounding like he cares. "Y-Yeah I just...Just when you think this shit can't get any more horrible" Hughie is almost in tears so I gently wrap an arm around him and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Ah don't worry it can get a lot more horrible" Butcher smirks, I scoff and glare at him "Way to be comforting Butcher" His gaze snaps to me freezing me in place and the smirk is completely gone. "This shit ain't comforting love. If you want fuckin comforting go get a husband with a white picket fence and some dogs hell even spread those pretty legs and pop out a couple of rugrats. You are going to see a lot worse here. Either get used to it or there's the door" He glares and I'm not quite sure what comes over me but I stand up and slap him across the face...Hard enough he actually stumbles. "Starting to see what M.M warned me about..." I wipe a tear from my eye and walk out of the building to get some air.


Hughie came out a couple of minutes after me and basically filled me in on the situation. There is an Asian girl who seems to be a supe and she ripped into those men with her bare hands. Butcher...Wants to find her. Of course he does. After a brief talk of him asking if I'm ok and such I head off on my own to clear my head. Whenever I want to come back I can just use my powers...


I went to the beach to clear my head. I used to come here a lot as a kid it was my safe space. There seems to have been an accident though. There are bodybags and a wreckage from a plane. I furrow my brows and listen in on the thoughts of the reporters.

'Over 100 people dead'

'Homelander and maeve couldnt save them'

'Are they really heroes?'

'Those poor people and children too...'

My eyes widen. What the hell? Two of the biggest heroes failed? And Over 100 people died? This is unheard of.

"Who are you? This is a closed crime scene" Homelander's voice snaps me out of it and I jump. I stand up and look over at him "I was just sitting here to clear my head Mr Homelander uh Sir. I've been coming here ever since I was a kid, I didn't know there was something happening" My heart is pounding in my chest.

He looks me over from my head down to my toes lingering on my chest for a while. "You sound like you're having a heart attack ma'am...Wait I recognize you, You were at the race the other day weren't you?" He smiles that damn charming smile.

I blush and nod "I-I was Homelander we briefly made eye contact in the crowd. I can leave if this is really a problem right now" I smile looking up at him. He gently takes my hand and kisses it "What's your name beautiful?" I blush probably the shade of a tomato right now "R-Raven it's um nice to meet you, I'm actually a fan of yours" His whole face lights up "Oh really now?! That is great to hear especially from someone so beautiful~" He winks making heat rush to between my legs and I'm such he can smell it or something because his eyes just got darker.

"Someone liked that~" He freaking purrs and I shouldn't like that as much as I do "I-I um I uh um I should really g-go" I stutter and he pulls me against his chest "Mmm promise to meet me for coffee tomorrow at the java hut? Around 12pm?" He gives me puppy eyes! "I-I promise Homelander, I will be there" I smile softly and he lets me go "Good girl!" He boops my nose and walks off leaving me breathless.

I finally get my heart under control and walk back into town.

End of Part 1. I am back at writing this story! I may be a little rusty but I am trying!


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