The Name Of The Game

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Hey my name is Raven Campbell, I'm 23 and I have 'Super Powers'. I can Teleport, I have Telekinesis, And I am stronger than normal people when I choose to use my strength. I have a big brother his name is Hughie and we live with our dad Hugh in New York. I have been staying at an Air BNB Cottage on the edge of town for the past 7 months to work on my powers and self-defense.


I wake up to my alarm blaring, Throw my covers off, And get changed into training gear. I brush my hair and tie it up in a high ponytail before heading to my kitchen to make breakfast.


I make my usual breakfast of Bacon, Eggs, Baked beans, and a cup of English tea. I take my breakfast to the dining room table and watch YouTube videos on my phone while I eat.


It's been roughly an hour since I finished my breakfast, I have been letting my stomach settle because my trainer told me to wait at least an hour between breakfast and training or I will feel sick when I do train.

I put my dishes in the sink, grab a bottle of water from my fridge, And head to the gym.


5 hours of physical training later and I am finally home.

I did a normal workout, Cardio, Weights, Resistance, Etc. I have also been learning Muay Thai, Jujutsu, And Taekwondo. I painfully slowly walk into my bathroom, Strip, And hop in the shower.


I get out of the shower 40 minutes later.

I dry my body and get dressed in Black leggings, An oversized grey sweater, And black ugg boots. I blow dry my hair, Brush it, And leave it down in its natural wavy state. "Grrbrrgugrlegurgle" My stomach growls extremely loudly drawing attention to the fact I have not eaten in about 7 hours. I grab my laptop, Phone, Earphones, And head into the kitchen.

I put my stuff down on the kitchen table and go look through my fridge.


40 Minutes later I have made chicken breast, Potato wedges, And Baked beans. I take a can of cherry cola out of the fridge and take my dinner over to the table.

I start watching the TV show Lucifer while I eat.


45 Minutes later I finished my food and episode, I put my dishes in the sink, grab my stuff from the table, and walk into the living room.

I turn the tv on and sit on the sofa Indian style.

"And now a statement from A-Train" I scoff but look at the TV, The headline reads 'A-Train offers deepest condolences' I tilt my head and turn the volume up "My deepest condolences to Robin Ward's family. I was chasing these bank robbers, She just stepped in the middle of the street and I-I couldn't" I turn the TV off "Robin Ward? Why does that sound familiar?" I whisper racking my brain..."Oh my god!" That's my brother's girlfriend's name! I close my laptop, Grab my phone, Earphones, And focus on my brother's workplace. "Bryman Audio Visual" I repeat over and over, I close my eyes and use my teleportation power.


I open my eyes 10 seconds later and I'm...Across the street from the store! Thank god I did it right! I take a deep breath and walk over to the store.

A man in his late 40's early 50's walks out of the store and smiles at me as he holds the door for me "Hughie?!" I ask recognizing his poofy hair "Raven?!" I nod, run behind the counter, And he gives me a bear hug. "The girl on the news was that-" He pulls back tears in his eyes and nods "Oh Hughie" I pull him back into a hug "S-She wasn't in t-the s-street, S-She was 1 step o-off the c-curb" He cries "I know Hughie, I could see the Bull in his apology" He pulls back and wipes away his tears "Look at you!" He yells making me laugh "You're smaller than I remember" I playfully elbow him in the ribs "Hey!" We both laugh, We stop laughing as we hear the Ding signaling someone entering the store.

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